Hogan calling Warrior a jerk...

for holding up a show for more money?


This coming from a guy who once held an entire PPV unless he got the world title back at the end of the night despite not being scheduled in a world title match or having any leadup whatsoever after coming back only a month beforehand.

Yeah, if Warrior held up the company for extra cash, that is scummy, but at least the storylines wouldn't have been affected so drastically as they were with Hogan's actions, plus other guys wouldn't have had their careers being put on the back burner as Bret's was.

Seriously, when it comes to discussions of Greed and power mongering, Hogan is the LAST person who should be dishing out any advice on "selflessness".



Anyone notice that Hogan's now using those same exact tactics? He was supposed to be at Wm 23 this year to fight Khali or Big Show, but because the idiot wants to be at the top spot and Vince wont cave in and give him the highest payroll this egomanic wont show up. Hogan's NO better than Warrior in this case.


Hogan is better than Warrior in this case. Warrior refused to go out THAT DAY unless Vince paid him. He already made a commitment to the fans and was scheduled to fight. Hogan isn't scheduled to fight, at all.

"What we do in life echoes in eternity"
-Maximus, Gladiator




If you watch Jake the Snake's DVD he says that Warrior also tried to get a sum up front before he would fight Taker! Presumably he gave up on the idea.
If you haven't seen Pick your Poison, it is well worth watching. Jake gives the lo-down on the Warrior/Taker promos etc.
