I felt this was a pretty decent DVD. There were good and bad comments made about Warrior but towards the end it was mainly bad.

From what i heard, Warrior had been asked to take part to give his view and he refused. If that was the case then i can't see why people get worked up about the negative comments, Warrior had his chance and he never took it. If that isn't the case then it is a different story.

I liked it, and prehaps one of the moments that were a highlight for me was when the whole Warrior-Lawler feud happened in 1996.


I heard that too - he had refused to take part in the film. So now he is trying to sue Vince.


I liked the DVD too. I used to be a HUGE Warrior fan back in the day. When he defeated Hogan it was legendary...Now that I realize what a douche the guy was I have lost respect for him as a person, but as a wrestling icon, the Ultimate Warrior in his prime will ALWAYS be one of my favs...

Senor, senor,
Can you tell me where we're headin'?
Lincoln County Road or armageddon?


It would of been funny to have warrior comment about his time in the wwf and then the go back and forth to sumone like heenan just bashing him. This is a decent dvd but its completely one sided.



It was definitely an interesting see. Warrior was my favorite when I was a kid, but I hadn't seen one of his matches since. I was really disappointed that his moves seem really lame to me now. It's always cool to hear about the backstage politics and stuff, so that saved it for me.

Not sure whose side I take (Vince vs. Warrior) because, well, I guess I just don't really care.

My only problem with this DVD was that power music in the background throughout most of it. First off, it was just really cheesy and made me think of an 80's workout video, and second, it drowned out what some of the interviewees were saying. I shouldn't have watched this while hungover. Those squealing guitars and keyboards made me feel like someone was taking a jackhammer to my head.
