Shalua's death [OLD THREAD]

The old thread expired before I could post this so here's a reply to masonts (the last to post there) concerning Vincent's actions during the cutscene of Shalua's "death". For that purpose I resurrected the thread and also to keep the discussion open in case any wish to continue it.

We were disagreeing, masonts, about the way Vincent "fled" the room before Shalua sacrificed herself, remember? You argued he was being "gentleman-like" and took point to check the next room for enemies. I and some other users weren't sure that was the right thing for him to do, etc...

Then you sent a link to a video on YouTube with the cutscene. I was mistaken about Azul being transformed when he chased the three across the room - I had forgotten that technicality because in this case it was immaterial: while the untransformed Azul did walk instead, I still believe Vincent took very long to check the next room for enemies (which was empty in fact) - truth be said, he took just long enough for the tragedy to occur.

So my point still is, if that were happening in reality he would've helped Shalua pull Shelke into the next room instead of allowing them so much time for a "little chat" while he stared at Shalua struggling with her sister from just across the threshold to the next room - yes, because when the door starts to close we get to see he'd been staring in their direction. Actually we don't see Vincent at all during their chat because what happened next was meant to happen - as we know the other room was empty and safe (no gunshots were heard when Vincent took point, nor were there any dead enemies that we could see), just an empty passage way.

The simple matter is that we're not supposed to question such things in games, but in a reality scenario Vincent would have checked the next room with a quick glance and hurried back to help Shalua pull Shelke through, and with any luck the door would close right in Azul's face because he wasn't in a hurry (the game developers just made him walk instead of running so there would be enough time for that important chat between the sisters). Moreover, in a real scenario Shelke had no reason at all to choose that moment to dawdle and struggle to remain in that room with Azul after he tried to kill her, nor would she be so difficult to pull along when Shalua managed to do that so easily just before they reached the door. There are other things I could point out (for instance, why didn't Vincent return after checking the other room, so as to stall Azul while Shalua struggled with Shelke? Vincent was pretty idle throughout that scene.) but these are the most obvious.

So in short, why did Shalua pull Shelke so easily only until she reached the door, but then couldn't past the door and so stopped to talk to her, right between an approaching Azul and a safe room, all of that while Vincent's out of sight and delaying in the empty room he went to check?
Simply because Shalua's sacrifice was necessary for the character development of Shelke, and what happened was just the "cinematic way" game developers thought for bringing that event about. The thing here is that gamers aren't really supposed to question the rights and wrongs of a storyline, otherwise there'd be too many "wrongs" for credibility. In my post (a reply to another user) I was simply looking beyond the gaming aspect and agreeing with them that in all common sense Vincent's actions in that scene weren't very believable for a hero, but very obviously arranged to meet a necessary goal.

"Of all thieves, fools are the worst; they rob you of time and temper." J. GOETHE


Yeah I remember that, I saw that cutscene again and I also thought it was funny when we catch that glimpse of Vincent before the doors start closing, it's as if he had been just standing there the whole time instead of helping drag Shelke out of the room. If only there had been any action or firing on the other side, but there was nothing...! I mean, how long does it take to secure an empty room?! xD
You're right, they needed to kill Shalua and give the sisters their moment.

It's also incredibly funny the way Vincent sprints out of the room as soon as Shalua opens the door, it makes me laugh every time X)

"So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their ending."



it is funny how he legs it and leaves them behind, i like Vincent.
He doesn't seem that bothered about it either, he only shows remorse or any sadness about it when Yuffie tells him off, but she knows its not really his fault and so do we, he would have saved her if he could have. cos vince isn't a bad guy at all


Lol! He sure legs it and the way he does it in the game ended up looking comical, of sorts. I love Vincent too, he's a very very decent character, to say the least, and he would have saved Shalua if he could (^^,) But Shalua simply had to die for the sake of the story, and that's that. I wished she hadn't, though...! I liked her for being self-sacrificing, sensible and let's not forget, a bio-mechanical engineer! (**p)

I also thought Yuffie went a little too far in slapping Shelke and telling Vince that he should have been able to save Shalua... I mean, Vincent's so angsty as it is, feeling guilty about what and whatnot, and the last thing he needed was a brand new guilt to brood upon. But hey, that's just Yuffie's way, her heart's in the right place but still she can be a bit simplistic, talks a lot and acts on her emotions by default. By the way, that's mainly the reason why I don't know how there can be so many yuffentine fans out there writing fanfiction about those two, I honestly don't see that they are compatible... opposites may attract in physics but not necessarily when it comes to people, ne? XD

Back to the topic (well... kinda), I always wondered if Shalua really did die after all that... I think she must have, seeing as the diagnosis was so terrible, but mostly because while Shelke was stuck in Nero's darkness and sees Shalua, she asks her something like "are you ready for me to return to the planet?"... a mighty sad moment...! I'm thinking that if they had her say that to Shelke, then she really must have died eventually. Not just that, but Reeve seemed so defeated and hopeless about everything that had happened, so Shalua must have been a definite casualty. I wonder if SquareEnix shed some light on that after the game, or if they simply left it for us to draw our own conclusions, like they did about other things. But anyway, I like open endings, at least in games. IMO final things are better in real life, not in fiction ^^ Besides, open endings and loose ends provide whole new possibilities for discussion, fanfiction and fanart.

"Legs it"! I thought "sprints out of the room" was funny, but legs it beats it hehe ^^

"So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their ending."


i don't think Yuffie went to far.
she was upset and she lashed out, but then she apologized because she knows that Vincent would have done whatever he could, she reels in her emotions. which is a nice change from how she used to be. It must be hard hanging around with Vincent, she often risks her own personal safety in order to protect him and he can be a bit frosty. But they both grow as characters. Vincent lightens up a teeny eenie bit, and Yuffie becomes more caring and less obnoxious.
I think they are similar in many ways which gives them an interesting dynamic.
shes too passionate and hes very cynical, they could learn a lot from each other and their little clashes act just to create some tension. they are clearly friends who do care about each other under it all

and as for Shelke she needed a taste of reality, and yuffie is compassionate about her Friends. shalua had spent so long trying to find Shelke, and she died to protect her. if i were in Yuffie's shoes i'd have slapped her too. Because at that point she is so ungrateful, Shelke grows after that bit so it was good that she got a taste of what can happen if u act so harsh.
Vincent could have easily stopped Yuffie, but he only reeled her in when she got shouty.

I liked Shelke and Shalua's little interaction before and it just seemed so cold and i know shelke began to get better but she needed to be told straight like Yuffie did, and not pander around like reeve and vincent do.


I completely agree with you, Yuffie did go too far; it's in her nature to be impulsive. When she slapped Shelke I could have slapped her in turn xD heheh but then she probably wouldn't understand why I would have done it. Like you said, she's good hearted, but still a simple mind. Shelke's been through a lot and suffered too much, and I'm sure if Yuffie kept that in mind she'd have been more tactful instead of acting so hysterical and harsh - Vincent understood that and that's why he cut her short afterwards.

I'm definitely not a Yuffie x Vincent fan, but I think Shelke x Vincent a match made in heaven. ;)

"Of all thieves, fools are the worst; they rob you of time and temper." J. GOETHE


I wouldn't say Yuffie has a simple mind. she's quick and sly. Far more inteligent than most Heroines, why else would Reeve put her as head of inteligence. the girl knows what she's doing.
I'd be annoyed at Shelke, none of the characters have had it easy and i think Yuffie is unique for not pandering to Shelke. Shelke had a bum deal but is it real worst than what happened to Vincent, or Tifa, or Aeris, no.
Shelke and Vincent, sorry but, Shelke is physically and mentally just a child. It doesn't matter that she's techincally 19 because lets face it she hasn't had any growth of any sort for 10 years or so.
Its like Vincent is technically 60 but he isn't mentally. they both need to live there lives, hers as a child and his as a grown man. He's more of a father figure to her and a friend.


I fully agree Yuffie's work is invaluable to the WRO, and I don't think the way other characters suffered is to be underestimated, it's just that those were different situations/people/outcomes, so there's really no ground for comparison except in that they all suffered. But hardships of different kinds demand different approaches: for example, Tifa's (verbally xD) slapping Cloud in AC did help him, but the particular way Shelke suffered shaped her actions and personality (or lack thereof) so directly it requires a different approach - Yuffie's slapping and yelling at her had little or no effect in tackling her problem: in the cut-scene Shelke looks as though she didn't even notice/understand why she was slapped.
Personally I think the real reason Yuffie slapped Shelke in that scene and shouted those things was because Yuffie's emotions are so amplified in comparison to others', that Shelke's lack of any emotion or gratitude in that delicate moment really offended her sensibility and angered her (so I don't think she did it because she was "being compassionate about a friend" :p if there's anyone she was feeling compassionate for in that scene it was Shalua). But anyway, even if Yuffie's acting that way were purely to help rouse some emotion and sense in Shelke it didn't really work; afterwards Shelke remained just as oblivious and unresponsive as she ever was.

Just imagine, a victim of trauma going to a therapy session to have the psychologist slap/yell/accuse them to help solve their problem: it wouldn't be tactful or helpful. :p In Shelke' case, she's actually so beyond that, she didn't so much as react...
On the other hand, where we do see Shelke start to change and show some hint of emotion is when Vincent and Reeve tell her they count on her and she feels she's needed and relied upon. Vincent and Reeve gave her the understanding she needed to gradually open up, instead of more harsh words and violence (which is pretty much what she went through in DG to become the way she did; I suppose that's why she didn't even react to Yuffie, it's much easier to just shut down and feel nothing).

Vincent and Shelke's compatibilities despite their obvious differences are exactly what I like about them together. The fact that Shelke is actually 19 makes all the difference to me, even if she doesn't look it (if she were truly 10 I agree it would be horrible.) x) The feel I get from the FMVs throughout the game, and especially because she's the one Vincent's long-time friends insist to go fetch him at the Chrystal Cave (and his knowing smile at that), is that she will eventually replace Lucrecia for him.

"Of all thieves, fools are the worst; they rob you of time and temper." J. GOETHE


But she isn't Lucrecia, she's Shelke and i can't see how skipping 10 years will be of benefit to her. She needs to have a childhood and to grow naturally. I think her and Vincent are just friends. he doesn't show any attraction to him and she just sort of looks up to him. It would be inappropriate.
I mean when Chaos Carries Shelke its very platonic, her arms are folded in her lap, it looks very innocent and sweet, nothing romantic about it.

But When Vincent carries Yuffie (who's a grown woman not a kid) her arms are wrapped around his neck and they are closer together. Its the closest we ever see him to another person physically.
I'm not saying that its romantic but its less platonic, the time when he carries Shelke is supposed to look platonic.

Yeah I meant she was being protective of Shalua not trying to help Shelke. Shalua went thru so much trying to find Shelke.

If anything I think Vincent is more of a father figure to Shelke, she has been so misguided for so long. She looks like a proper kid at the end, without her suit she looks like shes supposed to and she looks sweet. And he smiled because he knows his friends are waiting for him and he seemed a lil eenie bit suprised.

I love Shelke, but she needs to have a normal life now, she can look up to Vincent and Reeve, Tifa will take care of her and maybe she'll learn to be more emotional from Yuffie. She needs lots of friends who don't just chuck her away when shes no use anymore. Also...Shalua?? the ending bit? hmmm is she really done for or not?

As i Played the game i noticed that there were similarities between Lucrecia and Yuffie. where as Shelke's Lucrecism's came from data uploading, Yuffie seemed to be naturally a little bit like her.
They both wave there arms as they talk
They both tease L:"Is my face really that (something)?" Y:"Do I get any thanks."
They are both very enthusiastic, (the way Lucrecia was so excited about her work with Grimoire)
they both behave very emotionally and irratic at times.
And they both get pushed out of the way from danger by Valentine's in almost the same way (protected from Chaos and the manic live stream) lol

I just Think Yuffie needs a few more years to mature where as Shelke needs at least another 10, and Vincent has been loveless for so long already.

I'm not saying he should go jump Yuffie, but its just things I noticed, subtle differences and similarities between the three women.
But Shelke is just a kid and It does seem Icky and i'd lose respect for Square enix if it were canon, which it isn't and they sort of Ruled it out.
but then people can ship what they want.


Yeah I see what you mean, Vincent/Shelke or Vincent/Yuffie is something SE left pretty open in DoC, and though I conceive the first couple more clearly, I can appreciate why seeing them together may seem odd. But that's just the vibe many got from the game, myself included. (Personally SE wouldn't loose my respect if it were canon, because the Japanese do seem to have that habit of making girls look like school girls and dressing them all sweet like that and all, especially in anime, so I wouldn't necessarily consider they were being perverted lol. xD) About Yuffie and Vincent though, her physical age is more suitable for him than Shelke's, but I remember from Advent Children Vincent telling Cloud he wasn't happy about Yuffie having his personal number and calling him, suggesting he doesn't like to listen to her antics that much, though they're still good friends and comrades.

"Of all thieves, fools are the worst; they rob you of time and temper." J. GOETHE


I recon cos its Yuffie she was just ringing him up to a manic excess, Vincent's pretty patient so she must have been going a bit over board. She seems to have mellowed a little by DoC tho,
I recon it was just a bit of banter for funnies. made me chuckle, they wind each other up but you know they'll come thru for each other in the end.
I just finished DoC on saturday and I felt a little sad for Yuffie right at the end, when she was looking up at the sky all sad. :'( she looked pretty for some reason.
I just realized who Shelke reminds me of character wise. Eiko from FFIX, obviously shes older but they both have sort of similar hair framing the face and have been left alone and are all sad and neglected. Shelke is like a darker Eiko, kind of

I figured out my issue: Right so Vincent is technically in his 60's right? but its pretty much understood that because he's missed out on 30 years he's mentally as well as physically (cos of the jenova) 27.
So shelke is technically 19 and herein lies the problem, she too has missed out on 10 years because shes been trapped down in crazy deepground, so mentally and physically shes 10.
so if we consider Vincent as 27 then by the same logic we should consider Shelke 10. Right?
But if we say oh she's really 19 then we have to take Vincent in the same logic so he's 60 and i mean still icky icky. so i personally accept the prior because the latter is only true technically and not what they are in actuallity. We can't chop and change and have one rule for Vincent and another for shelke.
Thats the problem i have i think, do you get my drift.
still got nothing against people enjoying it in fanon but in canon it can't and shouldn't be allowed

Theres many types of love and i just think its more platonic, but they should have a relationship just not a romantic one.

I guess cos i'm working taking care of children part time while i study that i cannot ethically accept it.


Ah yes Shelke looks like Eiko; I didn't know who she is so I looked it up x).
But I was also thinking of that part in DoC where Yuffie saved a gravely injured/fatigued Vincent and then she goes on yapping about how she could take 2 DG in 5min or 5 DG in 2min, and keeps on going at it... while Vincent kind of looks like he wouldn't mind if she stopped to draw breath for a couple of seconds. xD It's that kind of interaction where somehow she seems to exhaust him with her playful banter or carelessness and generally being larger than life, even if that's far from being an obstacle to their companionship. So in general I see Yuffie a bit like comic relief, especially because most of her scenes are essentially funny; the fact we are shown she is actually self-conscious of that is something I like about her (when she says "Whoa, whoa... I didn't mean for you to take me so seriously!"). Still, while good friends and all, if Vincent tells Cloud her spirit's a tad too trying on his nerves then I'll believe him heh...

I don't think Shelke is mentally 10 years old, I only consider her to be 10 years old physically; that makes all the difference to the way I see things. If her mind were clearly that of a 10 year old the prospect of Vincent/Shelke would be far beyond icky. (<<,) About him being 60 though, lol well I'm not much older than Shelke and I confess I wouldn't say no to a 60 year-old Vincent...

"Of all thieves, fools are the worst; they rob you of time and temper." J. GOETHE


My reply was not at all concerning the 'reality' of the situation (the game is called 'Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus). My reply was to negate the assertation in the post (be it yours or to whomever I replied) that Vincent behaved 'ungentlemanly' because he ran into the next room and that, had he not done so, he would've prevented Shalua's death. Had you been able to resurrect the thread in its entirety, my post and subsequent replies illustrated this was not the case.

I'm familiar with the name*, thank you. ^^
As it really is impossible to recover the old thread I hope at least this helps refresh your memory.
Your replies to others don't concern me, only your reply to my post does - and I myself never argued Vincent's behavior was "ungentlemanly"; I do remember someone said that, and I replied to that user agreeing on this one thing only: that the way Vincent sprinted out of the room was funny.
And that's pretty much where things stood when afterward you decided to reply to my own reply to that user, writing a passionate defense of Vincent as to how he was taking point to secure the next room, and even elaborated about what "taking point" means (assuming I didn't know), when it applies, why Vincent did it, etc, etc... And your whole post basically revolved around this Vincent-was-taking-point-so-don't-laugh-about-it idea - which brings us to the reply that re-opened this thread.

(*Funny though, that for someone so aware of the fantastic nature of Final Fantasy you sure went out of your way to justify Vincent's actions through real military procedure... which was completely uncalled for, as Vincent's delay was clearly convenient to the storyline - realism was not SE's priority in that scene, seeing as taking point to secure an empty room wouldn't have taken that long.)

"Of all thieves, fools are the worst; they rob you of time and temper." J. GOETHE



It's astonishing how you managed to complicate something so simple.

First of all, you replied to me, so at least in this let there be no doubt:
The notification I received on the 13/03/08 that reads "The user 'masonts' just replied to your post: 'Re: Shalua (SPOILERS)'" is still in my e-mail box, so there's no question you were addressing me, while the user to whom that reply truly concerned was just there on the same page.
Therefore, since you replied directly to me (however misplaced that reply might have been) in all common sense what you say in that reply can be understood to target me partially or especially. Furthermore, if you say your lecture wasn't "just for me", then it means it was partly for me at least - and in that you can't claim to always be careful "not to make assumptions"; may I suggest, should you decide to educate whomever in the future, to at least do it where it is due, because not only do I not like it when words are put in my mouth, but also, while I cannot vouch for the other users, for my part at least the lesson on Vincent's taking point was wasted. If you are careful as you say, then you must make sure you are replying to the right user.

Secondly, let's get these straight:
Whether or not the manner in which Vincent leaves the room seemed comical to any user, I don't think anyone in that thread believed for a second that Vincent was fleeing or negligent - and no one but yourself seemed to believe anyone might actually think that, seeing that you thought it necessary to clarify he was taking point, the how's and why's, etc.... Well of course Vincent was taking point...! - did you think, before you stated the obvious, that anyone thought Vincent was rushing to the little boy's room or something...? People were merely saying his sprint was comical...! Just because people found it funny, and satirized it, doesn't mean they ever thought he was fleeing or negligent and needed you to tell them he was taking point. I for one, being the one you replied to directly, didn't need that piece of obvious wisdom.

[Me:] Your replies to others don't concern me, only your reply to my post does - and I myself never argued Vincent's behaviour was "ungentlemanly"; I do remember someone said that, and I replied to that user agreeing on this one thing only: that the way Vincent sprinted out of the room was funny.

[You:] I could care less about whether or not my replies to other posters concern you.

Care as you wish, it's your own judgement that's in question if you reply to the wrong user.
The fact remains that I received a reply from you, in the old thread, imputing to me mostly things I never said - that Vincent was ungentlemanly?? That Vincent was negligent resulting in Shalua's death?? - those things were someone else's jokes and, given that the user in question was right there on that page, there was no reason for you to come knocking on my door in the first place.
The small part of your reply that did relate to something I had said was fully answered back in both the PM you ignored and later the post that opens this thread. The remaining majority of your reply was about Vincent's actions and intentions - therefore could have nothing to do with me or my posts, but with another user - my only affinity with that user was agreeing that the way Vincent ran out of the room was comical. If you confused the two, pay more attention next time. I can't make this any clearer.

I'm always careful in my posts to not assume that any poster knows what I'm talking about, so I'm fairly articulate in my explanations. This was not for just you...but for any/every person who may be reading my post, so that I'd leave little or no doubt as to what I meant (otherwise, I'd just PM all my responses). If you took offence or found it condescending...tough. Grow a thicker skin.

You must be a sensitive person, if you consider my impartial and objectively stating the fact "you elaborated about what "taking point" means (assuming I didn't know)" demonstrates any emotion on my part - so no, I am not offended; I had to hold your judgement in higher respect than I now do before I could feel offended.

[Me:] (*Funny though, that for someone so aware of the fantastic nature of Final Fantasy you sure went out of your way to justify Vincent's actions through real military procedure... which was completely uncalled for, as Vincent's delay was clearly convenient to the storyline - realism was not SE's priority in that scene, seeing as taking point to secure an empty room wouldn't have taken that long.)

[You:] No I went out of my way to illustrate that someone had a narrow-minded view of Vincent's behavior and to support my assertion that he was acting quite 'gentlemanly' by taking the danger upon himself and entering the next room/hallway (or whatever it was) first without knowing whether there were Deep Ground SOLDIERs, other Tsviets or enemies waiting to ambush them. Offering real-world examples to which people can relate to illustrate a point is a common tactic used by intellectuals.

Since I never complained about Vincent's sense of "chivalry", that particular someone simply can't be me, so I'll remind you again that these message boards allow you to reply to the right user specifically; just make sure you click the right reply button and your messages won't go astray. But as you keep mentioning this, I'll take the opportunity to remind you that Vincent's sense of chivalry wasn't seriously criticized, it was satirized - be mindful of that difference. Both the way Vincent ran out of the room followed by the tragic outcome of that scene are what made it essentially so funny to satirize Vincent's actions, and though I wasn't the one who joked about it, as I already said, I did agree it was funny. If you have no sense of humour, that is your problem.
You are free to offer any someone as many real-world examples as any intellectual mind would see fit to justify game character's actions in Final Fantasy videogames. As long as no words are put in my mouth, do whatever you wish to enlighten them.

Someone also stated that Vincent's priority should've been the safety of Shelke/Shalua behind him with "a transformed and enraged Azul running after them in a murderous rage". I then posted the video to the entire scene in discussion to illustrate to someone that 1) Shalua decided to stop and have a 'chat' with Shelke instead of following behind Vincent to the next room (an act of horror-film-type stupidity which resulted in her getting herself killed), and 2) not only was Azul not transformed (he was back to human form) but he was also calmly and slowly walking toward Shalua in the background.

The someone you spoke of before and this new someone can only be different people.
Don't be afraid to name me as this "someone" - surely, if you read the PM I sent you or the post that opens this thread you know I even mention that circumstance there - to help you place yourself, I even said it was immaterial to the matter we were discussing. But most importantly, don't forget I didn't say Vincent's priority should have been Shalua and Shelke's safety before you forced me to juxtapose reality and the game, by first offering a real-world example yourself. Therefore, you're the one who pointlessly added reality to the mix in the first place - and my resulting struggle has since been to make you understand that if you can throw in anyone's face "Vincent was taking point" (when no one even questioned that, they were simply having a laugh), then anyone can throw the real-world example back in your face by saying that in reality taking point to secure an empty room wouldn't have taken that long - but that's just the sort of circular discussion you could get because, ultimately, what happened was more subject to the storyline than to realism.
That scene was devised to serve the demands of the storyline - hence realism was negligible to an extent - but just so you understand my point once and for all, I'll repeat myself: it was for the sake of the storyline, and not realism that Shelke conveniently decided to dawdle when her life was in danger, that she became suddenly so difficult to pull along, that Azul walked ridiculously slow instead of running to chase them before they could escape the room, that Shalua decided a life-threatening situation was a good time to stop and chat, that Vincent delayed in an secure room - all and only for the storyline - or can you find "real world-examples" to explain these as well?

So make no mistake: that Vincent was taking point is obvious; his unnecessary delay in doing that is the key here, and no "real-world example" explains that much - this was all the point of my argument against overestimating the value of "reality" in that scene.
In that light, I was therefore compelled to make an extensive account not only of Shelke's, Shalua's and Azul's actions, but of Vincent's also, throughout the scene - and again, there would have been no need for me to do that at all, had it not been for the contents of your own reply, that forced the discussion in that direction. In fact, I wouldn't even have addressed most of this if you hadn't directly entreated me to. Up to that point in the old thread, people were just having a laugh at Vincent's sprint until you assumed someone or everyone was serious in their jest and then sent an unwarranted reply to me. I can't make this any more simple.

[Me:] Vincent's delay was clearly convenient to the storyline

[You:] (...) Why discuss anything about any piece of fictional medium if you can always default to "the story happened that way because that's what the author intended"???? I would not even have bothered to respond to such a statement that can be applied to any character in any story that has ever been or will ever be written.

Honestly, I'm beginning to wonder whether you understood the reasoning behind my post at all. Or even if you actually read the post or my PM. Quoting "Vincent's delay was clearly convenient to the storyline" out of its context is a very simplistic and convenient approach. I explicitly provide a context for that statement - which is part of a much larger argument. I was very mindful in the construction of that argument, therefore, instead of repeating everything I said then, I'll just direct you back to both the article that opened this thread and a couple of paragraphs above in this reply.

Any questions or doubts you may have, go back to my post; you'll have to rely on your own wits because I cannot keep repeating and rephrasing myself or directing you back in hopes you can understand.

"Of all thieves, fools are the worst; they rob you of time and temper." J. GOETHE



Again, if you are dissatisfied by the manner in which I reply to a post...tough. Grow a thicker skin or don't read the post (the ignore list is pretty handy), or read the post and fume, or read the post fume and reply, or don't reply, or report it. Your tantrum will not change the manner in which I reply now or in the future.
And should I choose to address an issue brought up by the poster to which I've replied directly and include any discussion from the entire thread in that same post, then I will (as I already have). Until you are deemed an IMDB administrator and are given the power to delete posts/threads/accounts...I will continue to do so whether it pleases you or not.

I was simply stating the facts. If, as I said, you're a very sensitive person and see hints of emotion where they don't exist or, if imagining me fuming, tantrum and all, gives your pride some reprieve, by all means delude yourself. The simple matter is that the poster you replied directly to - that is me - and the poster that "brought up those issues" are different people - so basically you replied to me about a bunch of things somebody else said and are indifferent to that fact - this is absurd but shows you don't abide by the common-sense rule of replying respectively to whom it concerns; and so you've done it and will continue to do it regardless, as you said. Well, people driven by whims and pride, instead of logic and sense, stomp their foot and ultimately do as they please. Therefore, it's not in anyone's power to prevent you from flipping a coin to randomly decide where, about what and to whom reply, should you feel like it. Now I'm clarified: this explains it was probability and bad luck that you happened to knock on my door after all. It's a shame this assumed such ridiculous proportions before that was made clear.

Again I state that it's mighty convenient that you chose to reply to the thread after it was deleted. I stated this before, but it obviously didn't sink in the first time...

No, you didn't state that before now and I can demonstrate it. In all your posts, the single time you mentioned that the original thread was irretrievable was here &p=1#109788947 as it was of "Mon Jun 23 2008 16:41:27" and never updated:

My reply was to negate the assertation in the post (be it yours or to whomever I replied) that Vincent behaved 'ungentlemanly' because he ran into the next room and that, had he not done so, he would've prevented Shalua's death. Had you been able to resurrect the thread in its entirety, my post and subsequent replies illustrated this was not the case.

As you can see, the only time you did refer to the thread being irretrievable you were merely explaining what you intended with your reply given that it couldn't be recovered - no judgements were ever made of either the reliability of my memory or the faithfulness of my words in that or your other posts. So in none of your replies do you state what you now found convenient to imply and those were never updated either (naturally, it's become important that I mention they were never edited and updated, because if you have the scruples to suddenly start implying I'm lying about my account of the expired thread, then you may have scruples to do other things besides). I'll address this further down.

[Me:] «Well of course Vincent was taking point...! - did you think, before you stated the obvious, that anyone thought Vincent was rushing to the little boy's room or something...?»

[You:] Now I'm the one 'stating the obvious'? This after you've posted

[Me:] «Vincent's delay was clearly convenient to the storyline»

[You:] You seem to be the subject-matter expert on stating the painfully obvious.

What is "painfully obvious" is that the scope of your understanding forces me to explain and revisit the same things over and over, and every single time not only do you fail to understand my newly-worded reasoning (or pretend to) but you do yet worse: the only use you find for it is to deliberately dismember it, removing sentences out of their context to avoid having to comment the argument they were merely a part of. As you well know, those statements you quoted were both part of larger arguments - it is those arguments you should have commented instead of evading it by removing a couple of unrelated statements from context (not to mention different posts) and patch them together to fit some useless point.
And yes, since you ask, you're the one that originally said that Vincent was taking point, therefore you're the one who stated the "painfully obvious". My reminding you of that fact or discussing it afterwards doesn't qualify as stating the obvious, because once you introduce the painfully obvious to a discussion it becomes part of the discussion.

There is no conflict in the two quotes you made of me. The two corroborate and complement each other: the first quote "People were merely saying his sprint was comical...! Just because people found it funny, and satirized it" is self-explanatory, and in the second quote "I do remember someone said that, and I replied to that user agreeing on this one thing only: that the way Vincent sprinted out of the room was funny." - I'm perfectly able to confirm the use of the word "ungentlemanly" in the jest because it was something I myself found so acutely funny in their comment - what made the use of the word "ungentlemanly" such a perfect choice for the joke is especially because the outcome of the scene was Shalua's death. I wouldn't have agreed with that user that it was funny had they seriously meant Vincent was "ungentlemanly" or negligent for that matter, because I myself never entertained that notion. So I'm not speaking for anyone by saying this; the humour in that user's post (as in the others that preceded it where Vincent's way of running was noted with amusement) was so blatantly obvious that I wonder how you could have missed it - the word "ungentlemanly" was simply a clever new ingredient they added to the ongoing joke. Mentioning the word "ungentlemanly" to joke about Vincent's actions when he ran out of a room and a woman was killed is therefore more than appropriate but, like any jest, it's not to be taken seriously.

Near the end of your reply, you quoted a large section of my post without commenting anything in it, whatsoever. All you did was quote all that text, then copy an excerpt from it and paste it underneath, only to borrow those words and use them as rhetoric against me, as though they even applied. The whole point of quoting before a comment is precisely when said comment appeals directly to the content of the quote. I complained quoting my statements out of their context is wrong, but quoting a large body of text only not to comment any of it afterwards is an equally useless waste of space. And quoting me before you say any something doesn't mean that any something refuted what I said, even if that's how you intended it to look.

I feel exactly the same way and wonder why you've chosen to resurrect a dead and deleted thread. Again, quite convenient that you chose to reply to a deleted thread, then present information from your own recollection as if it were fact and make assumptions about what other posters were thinking and present that as fact. BTW, don't bother to PM me, I don't respond to PMs. If I want to talk privately to someone, I give them my email or my AIM screenname. I come to public messageboards to discuss topics publicly. It's a shame the original thread can't be resurrected...all of this meaningless conjecture would end quite abrubptly I think.

So now I'm a liar? Now, isn't that convenient, all of a sudden - I wonder, if you thought that, why didn't you say so before?
It crossed my mind that at some point, should you feel abased in some way, you might resort to imply I'm lying and take advantage of the fact that the old thread is indeed irretrievable to support just that idea. Initially I dismissed the thought, thinking it would be too despicable and malicious, but regrettably it wasn't beneath you. As to that:

As you know, I don't have the power to delete threads to my advantage. If I have a life and live it, instead of lurking about in IMDB forums on a regular basis, I can't be blamed if a thread is deleted before I had the opportunity to post my reply to a user that addressed me. To that effect, I'll remind you I actually PM'ed you that reply as a first measure, but since you didn't so much as acknowledge the reception of that PM or the second (reasons aside), it then occurred to me that someone with so much time to burn on the Final Fantasy Message Boards might eventually come across it if I created a new thread - and I was very right to think so, as eventually you did reply to the post (even if it took a good while after I gave you the link and someone else to agree with me before you deigned to, though I expect addressing your screen-name in bold letters may have had some weight as well).

At this point I'm not sure if I can appeal to your common sense, but consider these: If I were waiting for the thread to expire so I could manipulate the truth and then - only then - reply, do you mean the thread expired exactly the previous day of my reply or is it just more of your rhetoric? Do you keep track of such things, that you would conceive anyone might do that? Think of how ridiculous what you're implying is. I haven't the slightest idea when the thread did expire, all I know is that when I eventually followed the link in the notification e-mail to go there it no longer existed. As you can see by my number of posts I'm not even a regular user of this site to keep any such track (you appear to be a regular user, perhaps you and others do) so it's even no wonder I forgot to post my reply until seeing the notification still in my e-mail reminded me of it.
And why would I even reply to you privately and lie? You knew the thread, nobody else would access the PM, so what exactly would I achieve in lying? In fact, you know it makes no sense for you to insinuate I "conveniently" waited for the thread to expire only to create a new one where I could manipulate the truth, because it wasn't my intention to resurrect a dead and expired thread in the first place - I PM'ed you my reply, remember? Do not forget that I only resurrected the thread because (whatever your reasons) you didn't so much as acknowledge the reception of any PM, despite being very active in the forums. There's no way I could have guessed you never reply to PMs, nor would I ever impose upon you by demanding your personal e-mail just so I could reply (not that there would ever be occasion for that anyway, as you ignore the PM service) - so resurrecting an expired thread was never my intention: my sole intention was simply to answer back when addressed to - and logically, if you only reply in the message boards, then my reply had but to go to the message boards. So better yet, and because you must have stressed the word publicly for a reason: if I were lying, why was the post that opened the new thread the exact same reply I sent you in private? And if I lied about anything, why would I open a public thread with an account of the old thread anyone might recognize as false? That would hardly qualify as "the crime of the century". But above all, if I were lying at all, you would have said so before.

This new nonsense you're suggesting defies judgement. It's very safe for you to now claim that if the thread were recovered the discussion "would end abruptly" when you so suddenly decided to call me a liar. If anything, for you alone it is now convenient that the thread expired and can't be recovered, as you have no problem in only now claiming that I'm manipulating the truth in things that so far you didn't remember to question. Naturally, I don't really think all of a sudden you believe I sat here all that time just waiting for the thread to expire so I could reply and lie, and what's more, in a PM at that. Not only are you merely trying to discredit what I say by all of a sudden labelling me a liar, but you're also ill-timed, in that you didn't question the truth of my account of the old thread any time before now.
I don't get a kick out of public bickering nor am I interested in pursuing discussions when I regrettably see them take personal turns, so I can only hope that besides having insinuated I'm a liar you won't come up with something even more unwarranted.

"Of all thieves, fools are the worst; they rob you of time and temper." J. GOETHE



[I'll just re-contextualize the quote you made of me:]
The simple matter is that the poster you replied directly to - that is me - and the poster that "brought up those issues" are different people - so basically you replied to me about a bunch of things somebody else said and are indifferent to that fact - this is absurd but shows you don't abide by the common-sense rule of replying respectively to whom it concerns; and so you've done it and will continue to do it regardless, as you said. Well, people driven by whims and pride, instead of logic and sense, stomp their foot and ultimately do as they please. Therefore, it's not in anyone's power to prevent you from flipping a coin to randomly decide where, about what and to whom reply, should you feel like it. Now I'm clarified: this explains it was probability and bad luck that you happened to knock on my door after all. It's a shame this assumed such ridiculous proportions before that was made clear.

I'm glad you've finally caught on.

It wasn't a matter of catching on: until you acknowledged what I said, it was only my impression. I'm also glad that's out of the way.

I see you're still fond of insults, but it's not my reading comprehension that's in question, it's your knowledge of linguistics and logic. I'll demonstrate, and before you accuse me of diverging from the topic, note that I'm merely invoking linguistics because my interpretation is legitimate and your little insult unfounded: in the sentences in question (A) the pronoun "this" stands as the direct object; for several reasons, that pronoun is understood to refer to something mentioned in the immediately preceding sentence: not just because of syntax, but also because of formal arrangement of sentences (same paragraph, for example) and punctuation (you end with an ellipsis instead of a colon). That's why when you say:

(A) Again I state that it's mighty convenient that you chose to reply to the thread after it was deleted. I stated this before, but it obviously didn't sink in the first time...

(B) My quote: My participation in the thread at all was to illustrate two things and two things only...1) that there is an alternate view to Vincent's 'ungentlemanly' behavior (I posted that I believed his behavior was the opposite and gave supporting information illustrating why) and 2) that his actions neither caused nor contributed to Shalua's death. All of my replies addressed and illustrated these two points...nothing more...nothing less.

... the pronoun "this" necessarily reports to A ("it's mighty convenient that you chose to reply to the thread after it was deleted"). You can’t bend the rules of syntax and choose to say "this" refers to some excerpt from another post (B), not to mention the key fact that A and B pertain to completely different matters. Just so there can be no doubt in syntax and logic: "this" reports to A and A certainly has nothing to do with B in any respect whatsoever, not even in content (in A you make insinuations about me, while in B you go on about your reasons for posting).
Also, since "this" must forcibly refer to A, I'll stress that the use of "again", "before" and "first time" is false and misleading because - just as I demonstrated in my previous reply - you never suggested what you do in A before that first time in the post of July 6th, so "the first time it didn’t sink in" you speak of in A (same July 6th post) never existed. And that brings me to:

[On July 8th, in reply to your post of July 6th, I had said:]
(...) no judgements were ever made of either the reliability of my memory or the faithfulness of my words in that or your other posts.

[To which you replied, on July 9th:]
No...any 'judgement made' of 'the reliability of' your 'memory' was established within the last paragraph of my previous post

Since I am now replying to your last post of July 9th, then the previous post you spoke of is that of July 6th. My statement of "no judgements were ever made of either the reliability of my memory or the faithfulness of my words in that or your other posts" was in my reply to that post of July 6th; it is part of a larger argument you'd do well in revisiting (so you can remember what "that and your other posts" refers to) and it stands as true as ever: the first time you ever introduced the insinuations and the matter of my convenience in resurrecting that thread was in your reply of July 6th and never before. You can easily confirm that by going over your posts before that date - as I'd said previously, you'll find your only mention of the fact the thread is irretrievable was in a post of June 23rd, and it did not contain any considerations as to the reliability of my account or speculation about my intentions in creating a new thread.

your multiple paragraphs of empty rhetoric were wasted and pointless.

[My words:]
So now I'm a liar? Now, isn't that convenient, all of a sudden - I wonder, if you thought that, why didn't you say so before?
It crossed my mind that at some point, should you feel abased in some way, you might resort to imply I'm lying and take advantage of the fact that the old thread is indeed irretrievable to support just that idea. Initially I dismissed the thought, thinking it would be too despicable and malicious, but regrettably it wasn't beneath you. As to that:

(...) At this point I've stopped reading as it's not worth the time/effort to continue to read (...)

I made no unfounded judgements; if you really are familiar with the concept of rhetoric, then you also know I never described as rhetoric anything (in your discourse) that wasn't just that, and you can double-check it by going back. On the contrary, what you were keen to deceptively label as "empty rhetoric" in my post was in fact a thorough and objective demonstration of how your insinuations are preposterous and malicious, therefore, it's a shame that just when I introduced the most relevant part of the post - with "As to that:" - you go and stop just shy of the inconvenient onus. But while you chose to safely circumvent that key part of my reply, I never did expect you to justify your insinuations, they were false and ill willed, so obviously you couldn't.

[But because in your last post you decided to perpetuate your insinuations - by pretending I hadn't already exposed them as false - just so you could end on that malicious note, I'll repeat what I said then:]

So now I'm a liar? Now, isn't that convenient, all of a sudden - I wonder, if you thought that, why didn't you say so before?
It crossed my mind that at some point, should you feel abased in some way, you might resort to imply I'm lying and take advantage of the fact that the old thread is indeed irretrievable to support just that idea. Initially I dismissed the thought, thinking it would be too despicable and malicious, but regrettably it wasn't beneath you. As to that:

As you know, I don't have the power to delete threads to my advantage. If I have a life and live it, instead of lurking about in IMDB forums on a regular basis, I can't be blamed if a thread is deleted before I had the opportunity to post my reply to a user that addressed me. To that effect, I'll remind you I actually PM'ed you that reply as a first measure, but since you didn't so much as acknowledge the reception of that PM or the second (reasons aside), it then occurred to me that someone with so much time to burn on the Final Fantasy Message Boards might eventually come across it if I created a new thread - and I was very right to think so, as eventually you did reply to the post (even if it took a good while after I gave you the link and someone else to agree with me before you deigned to, though I expect addressing your screen-name in bold letters may have had some weight as well).

At this point I'm not sure if I can appeal to your common sense, but consider these: If I were waiting for the thread to expire so I could manipulate the truth and then - only then - reply, do you mean the thread expired exactly the previous day of my reply or is it just more of your rhetoric? Do you keep track of such things, that you would conceive anyone might do that? Think of how ridiculous what you're implying is. I haven't the slightest idea when the thread did expire, all I know is that when I eventually followed the link in the notification e-mail to go there it no longer existed. As you can see by my number of posts I'm not even a regular user of this site to keep any such track (you appear to be a regular user, perhaps you and others do) so it's even no wonder I forgot to post my reply until seeing the notification still in my e-mail reminded me of it.
And why would I even reply to you privately and lie? You knew the thread, nobody else would access the PM, so what exactly would I achieve in lying? In fact, you know it makes no sense for you to insinuate I "conveniently" waited for the thread to expire only to create a new one where I could manipulate the truth, because it wasn't my intention to resurrect a dead and expired thread in the first place - I PM'ed you my reply, remember? Do not forget that I only resurrected the thread because (whatever your reasons) you didn't so much as acknowledge the reception of any PM, despite being very active in the forums. There's no way I could have guessed you never reply to PMs, nor would I ever impose upon you by demanding your personal e-mail just so I could reply (not that there would ever be occasion for that anyway, as you ignore the PM service) - so resurrecting an expired thread was never my intention: my sole intention was simply to answer back when addressed to - and logically, if you only reply in the message boards, then my reply had but to go to the message boards. So better yet, and because you must have stressed the word publicly for a reason: if I were lying, why was the post that opened the new thread the exact same reply I sent you in private? And if I lied about anything, why would I open a public thread with an account of the old thread anyone might recognize as false? That would hardly qualify as "the crime of the century". But above all, if I were lying at all, you would have said so before.

This new nonsense you're suggesting defies judgement. It's very safe for you to now claim that if the thread were recovered the discussion "would end abruptly" when you so suddenly decided to call me a liar. If anything, for you alone it is now convenient that the thread expired and can't be recovered, as you have no problem in only now claiming that I'm manipulating the truth in things that so far you didn't remember to question. Naturally, I don't really think all of a sudden you believe I sat here all that time just waiting for the thread to expire so I could reply and lie, and what's more, in a PM at that. Not only are you merely trying to discredit what I say by all of a sudden labelling me a liar, but you're also ill-timed, in that you didn't question the truth of my account of the old thread any time before now.
I don't get a kick out of public bickering nor am I interested in pursuing discussions when I regrettably see them take personal turns, so I can only hope that besides having insinuated I'm a liar you won't come up with something even more unwarranted.

Etc, etc, infinity. At this point I've stopped reading as it's not worth the time/effort to continue to read and this will be my final response (...) In the future...should you reply to me directly I request that you please do so while the thread is active or don't reply to me at all. (...)

Infinity is too much. Unlike you, I'm not a regular and faithful user of IMDB. As you can tell by my Message Board history, burning time here is not one of my hobbies. In fact, if I knew you would eventually force this to drag on and deflect the matter by lashing out with personal insult and elaborate insinuations, I wouldn't have sent any reply to begin with, and the cordiality I used then wouldn't have been wasted. But I never liked leaving anyone that addressed me unanswered, and given that this site has a PM service, replying that way wasn't unreasonable because the thread had expired before I could post my reply. To that effect, I sent you my reply in a PM, which you ignored, as you did the second and last PM where, after two weeks passed in which you were busy in the Message Boards, I asked you only whether you had received any PM at all. A simple 'yes' would have sufficed, but as you chose to ignore the PMs completely I didn't entreat you any further and dropped the subject. Therefore, resurrecting an expired thread was never premeditated as you would have it look like:

[This is the second PM you ignored, sent over two weeks after you ignored the first (the one with the exact same reply that opened this thread):]

Subject: Question
To - masonts on Wed Jun 18 2008 04:25:26


Just remembered to ask if you received any message at all from me, over two weeks ago.
It concerns a thread that eventually expired; the message in question is my reply to you (you had addressed me directly then).
Seeing as you've been very active in the forums since but didn't acknowledge my message, perhaps there's been an error and I should send it again.
Or I may instead resurrect the thread and post it there as it should have been, if you favour replying in public rather than in private; whatever suits you best.

Sorry for any inconvenience, just tying up loose ends.

As you well know and may confirm, the new thread wasn't even created but until later when you replied to me in another topic and I seized the opportunity to then create this thread and give you the link to the reply; you'll remember I also said you were free to ignore it if you wished, given that my intention was merely to convey my reply - by the only means available since you ignored the PMs - and tie that loose end. That's all there is to it and I hope this explains why and how I replied to you, once and for all. What happened afterwards is all in this thread. As you end your reply with a request I'll remind you, as you yourself stated once, that you were just as free to ignore the thread I created as you were to ignore the PMs - but you didn't - therefore, should anyone reply to you directly in the future as you say, you always have the option to do just that.
I don't intend to waste more time with this either, not unless I am given further reason to.

"Of all thieves, fools are the worst; they rob you of time and temper." J. GOETHE


Couldn't they just, i don't know, push the switch again and open the door?

And, Vincent wasn't behaving ungentlemanly, he just needed some coffee.

Hello? Servant woman? Bring me a drying cloth at once!
