what ruined the game

i think the gameplay ruined the game, the story was really, really good, but still i kinda missed all of the other characters and clouds split personality

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I'm playing the game for the first time right now and I'm enjoying it. I'm not big on FPS games (except maybe DOOM), but I'm liking the story and the game so far...


This was my first Final Fantasy game, and I loved the gameplay. The story was ok...


In my opinion it would have been better with a lil more avalanche and a little less Shelke. I mean i liked her but she was in it too much that i just started to wish she'd get lost and we could have more of the others. and Rec XIII was just at the end :(


I know what you mean, for example I'm still wondering why in the world there's a rolling motion in the Tutorial only, and which is unavailable for the rest of the game... x) It could come in very handy (like it is in Max Payne); rush for some situations and rolling for others, but definitely not removing rolling. Why is that even in the Tutorial...? (<<,)
I really like the game overall, but there are some minor peeves like glitchy graphics sometimes, not a very interactive environment and lack of variety in Vincent's moves, but these are negligible, though they make gameplay a bit tiring and repetitive after a while.

I agree the story is a plus! =D

"Of all thieves, fools are the worst; they rob you of time and temper." J. GOETHE


Rolling was originally the rushing move but they removed it for some reason. I think they wanted to make the release deadline but they were still having problems with it. That could be wrong but thats why it's in tutorial


Still, between the two I wish they had removed the rushing instead. Personally I think rolling would be a lot more useful than rushing.

"Of all thieves, fools are the worst; they rob you of time and temper." J. GOETHE


I think the gameplay was ok for this one, I can't see how it could be any better than it is?

Overall, this is an enjoyable game even if you are not a FFVII fanatic. But its probably not a classic.
