Best Elizabeth movie

I bought this movie on dvd and loved it. i think it's the best movie made as far as all the queen elizabeth movies go, i loved the relationship of her and robert dudley in this one. the virgin queen is the most accurate of all. tom hardy was adorable as robert dudley.


I beg to differ- nice film but has yet to beat "Elizabeth R." (Glenda Jackson, 1971). The Elizabeth from '71 is still by far the most accurate Liz film (even if it appears a bit dated) it is wonderfully preformed and inspiring, unlike this "Best Elizabeth movie".


It is only dated in terms of sets, Glenda jackson, turns in arguably the greatest performance on the small screen, oisn't she the oly actress ever to win 2 emmys for the same performance




I totally agree with mo32391. This was ok, but Elizabeth R is far and away the superior movie. Just the music alone makes it better.
I got awfully tired of the constant high pitched choir in the background of this movie. I personally think that no electric guitar should ever be part of the music of this kind of period film. A more accurate 16th century style soundtrack would have been MUCH more appropriate.

The sets and costumes were great (well, except Queen Mary in a breastplate?????) and the look was good, but some of the acting was waaaaay over the top. (Queen Mary giving 'birth' for example.)

"Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat". ~Henry Emerson Fosdick


Exactly mo32391. Elizabeth R is the best one to me.

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