Best Story!

I liked CROUCH END. Like IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS, supernatural dimensional scary *beep* you can't explain.


I haven't seen them all yet, but I don't think "Umney's Last Case" can be topped. Great SK adaptation. I'll get back to you when I see the rest though.



Battleground. End of story.


Battleground, Umney's Last Case and The Fifth Quarter are the only ones I've kept in my Sky+ with a view to watching again...

Have a nice day :)


Crouch End was decent, but nowhere near as good as In the Mouth of Madness. That movie scares me, even just thinking about it.

As for the best story, I'd have to go with The End of the Whole Mess.



i really didnt like crouch end, but i liked "The End of the Whole Mess" "Battleground" and "Umney's Last Case"


I like "The Road Virus Heads North" i also like the short story... They're very similar...


am I the only one who liked "You Know They Got a Hell of a Band"?

James Bond: Do you expect me to talk?
Auric Goldfinger: No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die!


Battleground. William Hurt was just awesome.


I remember reading Battleground about 10 - 15 years ago and thought it would make a great film at the time (technology permitting)...I saw it in the UK on Five US channel....and I'm glad to say I was right.



I thought the acting in Battleground was excellent - especially as there's no dialogue - but the story... I just couldn't stop laughing. Maybe I'm jaded but I just couldn't take anything about that story seriously. Too much like a teenager's short story.

I did like the story 'The End of the Whole Mess' however. Grim and touching.


Battleground. Hurt makes it real.


No, you're NOT! I liked it too, it was REALLY scary... but on the other side..I've just watched about 2 of them; "Umney's last case" and "you know they got..."

But still I think it's one of the best ;P


I Loved it!!!


I thought the Road Virus Heads North was best closley followed by Battleground

[Slevin Kelevra] I didnt think you would understand ? [Mr Goodkat] I would have understood!


What's this? No "Rainy Season", or "Home Delivery"? Inconceivable!!
