What did you like best about 'The Fifth Quarter'?

I would like to hear your words on "The Fifth Quarter" What did you like best about it and how did you like it?




I didn't like this story The Fifth Quarter.I was waiting for something to happen (scary, strange...) This turned out to be your run- of- the- mill I'm in prison and bury treasure episode. I seen this many times and done much better.


I was completly disappointed with this. Come on!! where is the horror, the fantasy, the thriller, the sci-fi the nightmare or anything to be sthephen king's story?
Completly lame, flat; some guns, a con man and his wife, bullets and a silly treasure and no more. I did not buy nightmares and dreamscapes set of dvds to watch episodes like that. hope anything better for the rest


Well, I really liked it. It was really suspenseful for me, and I thought it was really ironic how Willie worked so hard to get all those puzzle pieces, but it was so easy to get to the "treasure". I really enjoyed it and watched it a few times. Plus, Jeremy Sisto is a babe, so that was an added bonus!

Rimmer: Okay homeboys, let's posse!


like all episodes in this it has to have a beginning a quick middle and a end so i was happy with this one not the best battleground was my favorite.


where is the horror, the fantasy, the thriller, the sci-fi the nightmare or anything to be stephen king's story?
Since when is Stephen King required to tell the type of story that you have apparently type-cast him to tell? Seriously, ok so you didn't like it. But that doesn't mean that King should have put something scary in to appease you. Some of King's most acclaimed works have none of what you listed. And frankly, none of his stories are central to any of those elements anyway. Stephen King writes stories about characters. The horror, the fantasy, the sci-fi, blah blah blah that you so desparately need to be entertained? Well there's always you're stupid slasher movies, and Star Trek for you simple minded people.



Perhaps because the series is made up of adaptations of King stories and titled Nightmares and Dreamscapes, one might expect there to be something nightmarish or dreamscapy about the Fifth Quarter and there isn't; it's just a straight-up crime/mystery story. So, its inclusion in an otherwise horror/sci-fi/strange/weird compilation is puzzling. It has nothing to do with what the OP does or doesn't find entertaining. I liked the story but it didn't belong in this series.


Have you ever read anything by Stephen King? He frequently throws in stories like this with his other stuff. It is 100% Stephen King.

"You add plus douche bag to a minus douche bag and you get like, zero douche bags." - Jesse


Yes, I've read King copiously. He writes very good non-horror stuff and sometimes those stories are in with scary ones. However, this crime-oriented story seems out of place in a series specifically touted as being scary, with creepy visuals and creepy intro music. If you want eight scary stories and get seven, or whatever the series was, there's bound to be some disappointment.


...where was any of that in "the shawshank redemption"? not all of his stories have the same themes, if you were truly a king fan you would know that.


"You're all talk, Hamill! You never even finished Jedi school!"



Ok,here we go..."The Fifth Quarter" was not suppose to be scary people. Its a reflection of human nature when wrought upon by lifes twists and turns! Not all of Mr. King's stories are horror stories.But if you were to give it though...the horror here was human nature1



Totally disagree. Honestly, what entertained me with Fifth Quarter, was how realistic the hostage scenes were. He was making mistakes, contradicting himself, it was pure chaos. Loved it.


Something that was created for the television version of the short story was the reference to the relationship between Willie and Barney while they were "bunk-buddies" in prison. It made the tension between Willie and Karen so real, especially considering that we discover that she knew about the relationship. Hence her leading question to Willie "How did you manage inside? ... Seven years is a long time." Willie: "Tell me about it!?"

The reaction on Jeremy's (Willie) face is amazing when Karen acknowledges that she and Barney had a relationship when he stayed with her and she finally tells Willie "Barney told me about you an him ... How it went down between you ... and I understood, Willie ... and I never thought bad of you or of him. That's all I'm asking. Don't think bad of Barney or of me."

This was a real character driven episode and Jeremy Sisto was wonderful as usual. I agree with stryker about the hostage scenes. He was clumsy and nervous and frightened.


I agree that not all Stephen King's stories are horror, but this one totally bored me, it's the sort of plot I avoid at the cinema. Still, with a packagof 8 stories, I can't expect to like them all.


Honestly, I wondered how it was even considered to be part of the series. It wasn't even that interesting as a short story. They added ALOT of things that wasn't in the original story. There was no wife, no son, no backstory of how he knew Barney or even the guy's name. In the original story, he doesn't even find the treasure. No one does. I can't believe the producers of NM&DS decided to make this one into an episode over great stories like "Rainy Season", "The House on Maple Street", "Suffer the Little Children", "Home Delivery", "The Man in the Black Suit", "The Moving Finger" or "The Ten O'Clock People".

Charlie Murphy!! *punch*
- Dave Chappelle as Rick James



I agree MChantal, I would loved to have seen them visulaize "The Ten O'Clock People" or "Rainy Season". Although maybe they used up their special effects budget with "Battleground"...


It was more like a Hitchcock thriller than a typical King suspense. Best thing was Samantha Mathis. Yow-eee!


Ok..I was wondering if anyone else had picked up that point in the scene regarding the "relationship" between Barney and Willy. I don't remember it being a point brought up in the story version.....dumb question but were they trying to allude to the fact that Barney and Willy had a sexual relationship?

No-one knows how long 5 minutes are in the dark.


//dumb question but were they trying to allude to the fact that Barney and Willy had a sexual relationship?//

It was not in the original short story but in the teleplay it seemed pretty clear to me.


I didn't really liked this episode...I prefer the more supernatural episodes than this "realistic" stuff...


Yes, that's a definite. It's not a dumb question.


The End. And not because there was no horror etc because I enjoy King's straight stories just as much. It was just too, too slow paced for me.

"You slap me in a dream you better wake up and apologize"-James Cagney



I have to agree that jeremy Sisto was great in this.

Im no fan of his, but will watch his work more carefully from now on.

The episode was OK, id rather see some supernatural thing happening.

So far, my favourite episode is The End of The Whole Mess.

"No... no... notorious" (Duran Duran)


