Please stop

Hyperdirve isn't red dwarf. It never tried to be red dwarf, and it never wanted to be red dwarf.
If you're going to compare it to anything, compare it to the officem and then it only shares a modicum of similarities with Gervais' less-than-inspiring comedy.

Accept it as it's own show, if you like it you like it, if you hate it you hate it but please stop comparing it to Red Dwarf. Red Dwarf was a show grounded firmly in it's time, as this is a show grounded in this time.

Perhaps in years to come a comedy set in a house will come on and everyone will compare it to "my family"

No? The seting doesn't dictate the comedy so Hyperdrive is NOT Red Dwarf, and never will be.

I'm not scared, im the person people don't accept sweets from


This is simply "The Office" in space and it's good if you can accept it for that. Nick Frost is great - one of the most underrated comedians around - and Hyperdrive is a very funny show.


Even Red Dwarf wasn't Red Dwarf til the 3rd series when it finally found its rhythm. Give the series time.

"Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so." ~Ford Prefect


I think The Office is a more appropriate comparison in terms of style of comedy. I can understand not liking the show, but some people really take their dislike of the show very seriously.

The show's brief existence doesn't destroy the quality of what was Red Dwarf... Naylor did a fine job of that on his own.


Exactly. I'm blown away by all of these people bleating that it's not Red Dwarf. It's one of the most idiotic things I've ever seen.
