MovieChat Forums > Hajime no Ippo (2000) Discussion > inspired by Hajime no Ippo

inspired by Hajime no Ippo

I finally finished watching the series, and I gotta say it's one of the best narrative I've ever seen. It has such a distinct style that I'm shooting a film using the style, of course adapting it a bit for live action. I'm almost done with the script, and I'm getting together with a few fighters and boxers to work out the choreography. I would like to know more info about boxing in general, not just for the series. Any boxing fan can point me in the right directions? I would appreciate it. Of course, when I'm done, I will put it on youtube or something. This will be my third film, and I'm taking this absolutely serious. So I'm doing all the research myself. I will have professionals helping me out with photography and such. I'm writing it, and will be directing. I'm also doing the sound for it. Anyway, any help I'd appreciate it. Thanks ahead of time. I welcome all questions and comments about the film, or story.

I see the movie before I judge it


Hey that sounds really cool, whenever I watch Ippo it makes me want to train harder and harder. I wish you luck with your film and hope it to see it on YouTube one of these days, and if its even half as good as Hajime no Ippo you'll have done a good job. I guess there's no need for me to say it, but you better get some pretty damn good boxers in your movie!


Half as good? That's a compliment! If I can even get a quarter as good, I'm happy. I'm in the fifth draft of the script. And yes, I'm using real boxers. I made a film with a guy a while back who uses to fight in Vegas, and he said he's game, along a few of his buddies. I also read a few books and educated myself on boxing to really get the details right. For me, it's not good enough to make it look like real boxing, it must capture the true spirit, that real truth behind boxing as well. Anyway, thanks for the encouragements, I will post from time to time for updates. This film will take a while, because I'm doing everything slowly to get it absolutely right. Stay tuned.

I see the movie before I judge it


I would pay to watch a movie such as that, as long as it's not one of those 3-minute one-shots. Good luck on this. Please email me at idemonfoxi[at]gmail[dot]com when you get more progress done. I can't wait, since the anime ended so suddenly.
