MovieChat Forums > Hall Pass (2011) Discussion > Saw this movie again after a long while....

Saw this movie again after a long while...

and I recall enjoying it, but it doesn't hold up on the second viewing for me. I must have been high the first time. The whole time I watched it I felt like I was watching a sad commentary on the lameness of American men, and the superiority of their women.

This seems to be the typical Hollywood mangina scenario this last decade or so. The men, even given 'permission', are too clueless and lame with beta-syndrome to get laid. The woman, a cougar, has excellent options even after multiple children, even if she doesn't really want to, and is blameless and unaccountable in her hypocrisy. It just happened to her through no fault of her own.

The real question is, why would a woman marry such lame mofos in the first place, if not for his ability to provide for her lifestyle? We are being trained by this media, whether we know it or not, to accept certain behaviors as normal. That is, men are clueless, ineffectual schlubs who, after a certain age, should just accept his lot in life. After all, you couldn't do better or you would have. Feel fortunate she deigns to allow you to support her in exchange for monthly sex. Women are just better, even when they're dependent, wrong, and unaccountably unfair.

Did I miss anything?

I still believe. Do you still believe? - Earl Hickey


I only saw this once when it came out and it was extremely meh for me. I got a chance to watch it a second for free yesterday and gotta say, it's got worse. The only reason I kept watching was for Nicky Whelan aka Lee and she was barely in it. But this is all just my opinion


Women are the biggest hypicrites ever. They love the erect penis scene but if it were a vagina vulva it be abuse of Women .
