a new negima! Series???

So whats up with the new negima series? Whats the diffrence and will it be in America? Thanks a bunch!!!


Yeah, it's licensed by Funi right now, so you'll have the same Eng VAs (which sucks cause I really didn't care for Greg Ayers as Negi)

I've started watching the 2nd series fansubs, and plan on buying it, it blows the first series out of the water, and makes you wonder why the first series was made in the first place. You could almost view Negima!? as an apology for Negima!

The 2nd series is an alternate retelling of Negima with a completely new plot that doesn't follow the manga at all, and the characters look great, and like their manga selves. A lot of random humor is also put into the new series too, it's basically like mixing pani Poni dash with Negima. It also focuses more on action and comedy than ecchi moments.

The 1st series (this one) on the other hand, the artwork was horrible, it's like the guy had a base idea on what the characters looked like, then went in a completely different direction. It LOOSELY followed vol 1-7 (out of 21 now?) and during the last four eps, came up with an original ending that was completely out there.

So to sum up, yes, the 2nd series is great, look forward to it!

Homer: How ironic, now he's blind after enjoying a lifetime of being able to see.


thanks a bunch,do you know where i can watch any episodes of the new negima and do you know when it will be released on dvd??? thanks!!!


I've been trying to find Negima!? (subbed) episodes on the internet with no luck... Y__Y I REALLY wanna watch it...maybe I'll just buy it...

"Love and Peace!"


I would warn you, that the second series may start out nice at first, but it becomes utterly horrible and pointless later on.

heck, even the first series beats the second one by a mile.

Evolution fails to explain one thing: why some creatures are tastier than others.


Negima!? can be watched legally either subbed or dubbed on Funimation's site... I suspect after almost a year you've got it elsewhere or given up looking by now though


I'm only going to say this once: stay out of Camberwick Green - Sam Tyler


I've been waiting months to see the second season. It's finally being released here in the UK in two months or so. At least according to the HMV site it is. About time too....

Welcome to prime time, bitch
