What do you think

Is this the worst movie you've ever seen?

Generally when someone tells me a movie is terrible I don't watch it, so I end up not watching too many awful movies. I hadn't heard anything about this one and it was three in the morning, so I figured what the hell.

This movie was awful. But Scott, it had sexy girls lol! Shut up. I dont care. Good movies/shows find a way to have sexy girls and not suck. Most of the dialogue had me laughing because I was imagining the writers sitting together, like, oooh what should he say now and actually agreeing on the resulting dialogue. The fact that functioning human beings were involved with the production of this film leaves me depressed and disturbed. Kal Penn...really, buddy? Did you read the script? I can't blame you for wanting to make money but if films were f-ing this is the equivalent of a five dollar dry handjob from a gender-ambiguous hooker on Sunset (PS dont try to use debit card).

Anyway, if you've seen this movie, is it the worst movie you've ever seen? If not, what is (it should be mentioned that I've never seen Gigli or Glitter)?


Holly davidson was hot in this one. Which gave me reason enough to watch it on a friday rainy night. Damn right im a pervert.


I found this movie to be hilarious in the Harold and Kumar tradition! Kal Penn of course made the movie but the minor characters pulled it together quite well. I laughed my @ss off. It was like watching any other college sex/alcohol movie-underdogs get girls, get laid and win competition and dignity, of sorts. If I was to comment badly about a movie it would be about stupid slasher/Zombie movies that end up making me ask, "WTF, can it get any gorier or stupid?" I'd rather watch a silly movie like this than a stupid slasher/Zombie flick unless maybe if it was the Scary movie series or Shaun of the Dead...


I didn't mind it. Not as good as the original.

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