
I was wondering... what's the poem Taj recites? Sounds like they are some kind of lyrics or something... Don't know to what song however. Any help?


i think he comibnes lines form different songs to make this "poem"


Man that's piss poor!! if you were born before 1996 there's no excuses mate! they are just lyrics from really famous british tunes, he starts with led zepelin 'stairway to heaven', then he uses loads of beatles, rolling stones, police songs etc


I agree! Being born in 1979 I recognized every one of the snippits.. Song lyrics, titles and such... But I liked how they were put into a "Taj-ism"... Only Taj could have come up with that. Loved it!


He does, however, throw out "All Along the Watchtower"; which is by Bob Dylan, an American artist. That really made me angry. This movie was so terrible.


not that it matters much but All along the Watchtower has been covered so many times it doesn't matter. U2 covered it and he used some of their lyrics too.

*** I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "I drank what?" ***
