MovieChat Forums > Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj (2006) Discussion > Is this what America thinks England is?

Is this what America thinks England is?

What a load of crap. Americans really do know nothing about any other country!

Beware Trolls! I'm stomping across your bridge


Its a stupid juvenile comedy movie, i guarantee you this is not what intelligent americans think of the UK



Truth hurts i suppose. Bloody British


unfortunately in some instances it is. there are areas that really do have many of the same views that are joked about in the movie- i have experienced it many times. i was expecting a lot more from this bundle of poorly written tripe.

they could have made some decent jokes on us brits, but they actually made themselves come out worse.


Americans really do know nothing about any other country!

And so in condemnation you commit the very act you condemn! Brilliant!

Never go in against a Fanboy, when death is on the line! Haha hahaha, haha HA...


Why do you British peopel always have to whine about movies? They're JUST movies. People watch them and forget. It's not like they see some comedy and there whole perspective on a country changes djeez. If I had to become fed up and bang my head to my desk everytime they mention Amsterdam as the drugs/sex capital of the world in a movie and make it seems like everybody in Amsterdam does drugs all day, I'd probably be braindead by now

Candy doesn't have to have a point. That's why it's candy


i hear ya....just like me being canadian.

all the times i see the canadian stereotypes used in movies and tv, i don't get upset or even care, i think its hilarious. lol of course i also get scared because many canadians who live on the east coast actually are that way.

well minus the living in igloos thing, we upgraded to trailers back in the 70s.



The vast majority of Americans don't think of England this way. If you've seen any other National Lampoon movies, all the the characters are stereotypes and all the plots are weak and convoluted. The 'bad guy' in this one is almost exactly like the the one in the first movie, who is American. They just like ripping on the upper classes and pretentiousness in general.

You are obviously committing the same crime you are wailing about, assuming all Americans are uneducated and uninvolved in matters outside of their country. Yes, Americans are stereotyped as stupid, self-centered, and self-righteous. Every country has its stereotypes, as our friend from Amsterdam pointed out, and there are some people like that, but the vast majority are better than that.

Calm down, it's just a movie.


The Fact you feel insulted over a stupid movie shows your ignorance. Or is it just another excuse for you to rant against Americans? Either way it is a movie, get over it.


As a Brit, what I found irritating is what they chose to be humorous about. There's plenty about us which is weird and silly and true which could be mocked and made into humour without having to be massively inaccurate about it.
