I loved this movie!!

When I watched the tv previews to this movie, i instantly wanted to watch it, not only did it look good, but i wanted to see if Pierre actually did end up kissing Katya.. i was curious, i admit, i am a sucker for intense scenes, such as that one.
I watched the full movie online, and i just couldn't look away... most movies that i own or have seen, don't really keep my interest very long , i can watch them once, and that is it.. "Interview" for me, was different because it was captivating, nearly every scene was full of intensity,it kept me wondering what was gonna happen next.
in the movie, Pierre and Katya seemed to be so truthful to one another,and I wasnot expecting the whole plot twist at the end when they turn on eachother, secretly, and act the way they did.
Katya, taking Pierre's confession tape out and switching it with a blank tape.
It was a shock to me, when Pierre told Katya he was not going to tell about "her" diary , and "her" cancer, he seemed so sincere, but he betrayed her and spilled everything to his editor.. not knowing that the diary was not hers , but a character she will be playing, as well as the cancer.
I loved this movie, and it is one that i will watch over.. i hated how the movie ended though...... i hope there will be a sequel.

steve buscemi and sienna miller were brilliant in this movie, WELL DONE!!

the online website is www.blockbustertv.com


I also loved this movie. Fantastic!


Me too! I loved it!!!
