DVD Extras

I rented my copy of "Open Cam" from the local Blockbuster store in Edwardsville, PA (a Wilkes-Barre suburb). There were NO DVD extras on this. In fact, it was totally stripped down; there were not even Chapter Divisions. There was just one option--"Play."

When I read a review of this film on "DVD Verdict," the following paragraph appeared in the review:

“Here's where the extras can save you one hundred minutes of your life. 'Open Cam' features a low tech yet pretty hot video by Houston Bernard which will give you the experience of one of the best songs on the soundtrack without having to watch the film. If you're looking for sex scenes check out the deleted and extended section. Full frontal nudity can be found here in great abundance, as well as full cuts of the major sex scenes without as many edits. It's a boy's best friend for those who just want the hotness with none of the lame mystery thriller.”

This paragraph indicates that there are, indeed, EXTRAS on the DVD disc. And, more than that, these extras show cast members in frontal nudity and suggests that the sex scenes may include hardcore material. If this is so, then that suggests the film was originally made as either a soft-core or hard-core porn film and edited down to be a tame feature. This would also account for the terrible acting and ridiculous plot since this wouldn't have been the main aim of the film.

Now, is there anyone out there who can give me the real information on this DVD disc? Is the DVD of "Open Cam" that I rented a special version created for Blockbuster and other legit rental outlets in which all the extras have been dropped because they feature frontal nudity and unedited sex scenes? To get these extras, does one have to purchase a special DVD version of this film? Details, please. I think we all want to know about this. Thank you.


I think I got your answer--companies DO give R rated copies of gay movies to Blockbuster. Sometimes even the R rated ones are cut down! Some full frontal nudity was cut out of "Eating Out" (which had an R rating with it) and I know an R rated version of "Just Another Gay Movie" has been given to them. So, what you saw was probably an edited version of the film (which I heard has plenty of nudity and full erections). You would probably have to go elsewhere to get a complete version. Hope this helps.


Thanks for your help. I'm going to look for an inexpensive version of the DVD on e-Bay, if I can find one there. As I wrote above, if the film was made as a soft-core or hard-core porn film, then that changes the way I will judge the film. Thanks again!


Try DeepDiscountDVD.com, they have the unrated version for sale.


The additional male nudity consists of some poorly edited and extended scenes of two of Manny's friends where they strip down. One has the guy he ends up with at the end stripping in a drunken dance in what appears to be his kitchen. It's purely gratuitious, not sexy or sexual (altho the guy has a nice enough torso) and wouldn't not have fitted into the movie. The other scene involved the guy who was one half of the couple in the shower. Both show frontal nudity in a genuinely gratuitous manner, neither is erotic or sexy, and neither would have added to the movie. In fact, I'm really surprised the actors agreed to it, since it really does seem pointless.

The unedited sex scene is really just an extended sex scene. Frankly, I thought it looked like very poor simulated sex. The DVD I rented makes a big deal of one blurb that says something like it beats Queers As Folks. Frankly, I think the scenes in either the UK or the Showtime QAF do a far better (and better lit with more attractive guys) job of showing simulated sex.

If you really want something like this, save your money and look for some Greenwood Cooper soft corn videos at some auction site or just get yourself some decent porn.
