
I enjoyed this movie. But, there's something about movies like this that irk me. I have a family, we've had gatherings. I've been to many different family gatherings. They all go the same way, eat, drink, talk.

Who are these people? Fun and games. Let's get out there and toss the football. Exercise together. Girls one side, boys the other, now do a crossword puzzle. Family talent night. It's so full of itself it lacks any type of reality that I've ever seen.

I know it's drama, and a work of fiction. But, it just rings so untrue.

How many people have familty gatherings that resemble what they protrayed in this movie?


I like this movie but have thought the same thing. It's so unrealistic that its at times hard to stomach! But now I have to stop writing because my family is gonna go do yoga outside by the lake. Yippie ;)


I think you hit the nail when you say the family is so "full of itself." That's probably the point. It's a big, close knit clan with a great family summer house (or is it their Mr & Mrs Burn's regular home?) Either way, I get the feeling the parents are successful writers, artists, and/or academics who are always making sure everyone has togetherness fun or else. Take notice there's not a single TV in the house. And the mom is real pushy...not in mean way, but she does set Dan up for a date without his permission and demands, "You're gonna have fun." Also notice, Dan is usually rolling his eyes or sighing at many of these activities.

Anyway, as far as "fun and games," as a kid my own extended family did do a lot of similar activities the Burnses do. It may have been more common in the fifties and sixties to take big family vacation at the beach or mountains doing camping, hiking a stuff. The aerobics session is kind of weird, but then I think Mitch either owns or runs a gym/workout center so this is what he can do to make family "fun."


I may be in the minority here but I thought the family dynamic was portrayed very realistically. With a few exceptions:

? The crossword puzzle. I just can't see anyone being so excited about a crossword puzzle
? When the family was asking a ton of questions to Marie. They were curious to the point of intrusion and I feel like most people would be less intrusive.

Other than that though, my own extended family owns a cabin where there are no TVs, no cell reception, very isolated. We get together there at least once a year an it's very much like the Burns's family. Everything we do is together and, here's a shocking thought: maybe the Burns's actually like each other and enjoy spending time together as a family. I know I certainly do with my own family so the dynamic rings very true for me.

Again, I could be in the minority because I've noticed (sadly) very few people actually get along with their families and don't actually enjoy time together like Thanksgiving and what-not.


I thought the crossword puzzle game was cool. It's possible the parents and were writers or teachers as well. They certainly were avid readers. Perhaps it was also done to help Dan since he didn't participate in the talent show. Plus it gave him or his Mom an excuse to send him off so she could spend time with her grand daughters.

The family was probably not that intrusive with other girlfriends Mitch brought around. Dan's daughters hit it off almost immediately with Marie and the rest of the family found her interesting and likeable as well.
