Political Correctness

Political correctness just oozed from this movie. It was like it was a message from the Foundation for a Better Life instead of a movie.


How so?

Only the shell, the perishable passes away. The spirit is without end. Eternal. Deathless.


All of the characters were so polished except for Dan and his daughters in a few parts. I wouldn't be surprised if Dan's brothers had golden stool.


Are you sure you're not thinking of The Family Stone?

I'm just watching DIRL for the first time, and am only about half-way through it, but so far I haven't seen anything overly P.C.

The Family Stone, however, had the deaf, gay brother in the interracial relationship. I thought that was trying too hard.

The two movies are actually the same: siblings in love with the others' significant other. Weird.


Oh...my...goodness. Trying too hard? So if a movie has people who are minorities it is trying to hard? The movie (The Family Stone) is about a somewhat offbeat family, of course there are going to be people in the family who are minorities, its part of their whole "thing". If the characters felt out of place than sure, it could be seen as trying to hard but I thought they integrated the characters really really well into the story. I loved the use of sign language throughout, it really made the family feel closer together. And the black partner of the son was just another member of the family. I just don't understand people sometimes...if there are all Caucasian people in a movie they complain, if there are any minorities in movie they say the movie is trying too hard to be politically correct. You just can't win. Damn, this movie only had one Asian girl and I think the boyfriend was Hispanic...so what? You know different races actually can be friends or family....

Only the shell, the perishable passes away. The spirit is without end. Eternal. Deathless.



I think your complaint is a testament to just how watered-down and meaningless the concept of PC has become.

Please, explain exactly HOW this movie is PC. Because they appear to be a nice family? They don't call people 'fags'? They don't complain about minorities? Was there a scene of them watching CNN and recycling all their plastics that I missed?

Seriously, if you're going to throw around loaded terms it would help your "argument" if you elaborated a bit.


Elaboration would be xenophobic, which in a way hints as to what might elaboration is.


So cbatower, you basically have no clue what you are talking about but just wanted to stir the hornet's nest.


how about everything in the movie was overly PC. everything has to have the appearance of being perfect, when we all know its a bunch of bull.

Dictionary.com ppl


I dunno about PC, but how about cliches? Here's four: the quirky foreign woman, the jerk boyfriend/brother, the annoying perpetually angry teenage daughter, and of course Dan, the widowed dad trying to do his best.


cliche is cliche...


"cliche is cliche... "

Is that statement cliche yet? Just kidding.

I agree that people tend to throw around terms like "cliche" or "predictable" or "PC" or "irony" or "over-rated". It takes more than a loaded buzz-word to make your statement meaningful and worthwhile. They're a little like exclamation marks actually. If your statement is not meaningful or worthwhile without the buzz-word (or exclamation mark), then it's likely not meaningful or worthwhile at all.



Haha, it probably is...and I agree with everything you posted...a lot more people seem to be falling on these buzz words when talking about movies rather than really describing how the movie made them felt...


Wholeheartedly agree, it's a human compulsion to categorize and quickly label something into an easily distinguishable, compartmentalized box. Buzz words are almost the equivalent of conversational space fillers (Um, like, uh, etc).

Buzz words and loaded, stigmatized phrases are like a lot German words: They're an entire self-explanatory description unto themselves. Except these vapid refrains are ultimately baseless and the reflex resort of those too lazy or ignorant to assert anything conducive to meaningful discourse.

"This cliche is, like, so literally ironic and overrated. And intuitive." Oh wait, that's a buzz word trademarked by Apple, lol.



I hate political correctness and loved this movie. This can only mean it was not politically correct.


I did not care for the movie ( except Juliette Binoche). It had lots of cliches like the bratty girls ( especially middle child syndrome), and the harried father. But it was not Politically Correct ( PC) garbage. I dislike the very concept of PC a lot. Examples of PC are the new Magnificent Seven REMAKE ( with its ethnically diverse cast including an Asian Bying-hun Lee and the openly gay Matt Bomer ( of course,they forgot to have Hispanic women like in the original)), and shows like Madam Secretary ( which make the Hillary Clinton modeled character look like Joan Of Arc), or Quantico that makes the Indian Muslim the heroine. None of these will be watched by me.
