Worst. Haircut. Ever?



"Sometimes the right thing to do is the wrong thing" -- Jason Stackhouse


You must have never seen a drawing of a monk from the middle ages. Their hair was cut with a bald spot shaved at the top to resemble a halo.


LOL. You're right. Never saw that kind of hair cut.

The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The key is to be fearless. R' Nachman of Breslov


Possible reasons for the wee patch of skin...

#1 Monks begin to overheat and act funny when young boys are near, the small bald spot allows heat to escape.

#2 Monks were the biggest practical jokers in all of Christianity, the small bald spot started as a mockery of Jewish skullcaps.

#3 Monks attract lightning when picking mushrooms in the forest. It always hits the same spot.

#4 Monks can in cases of emergency be remote controlled by god, but only if they keep their receiver freshly shaved.

#5 The top of a monk's head is bald naturally, it is the area where tiny monks come flying out if you accidentally get a monk wet.

Opinions are just onions with pi in them.


It's a tonsure, an external sign of the monk's vows. Haven't you seen Friar Tuck in Robin Hood?
