
Anyone knows why two Turks - Karadagli and Akkaya - are in this movie? Does the plot revolve around Turkey someplace? That would be fun :) (I currently live in Istanbul)


One of the producing entities is headquartered in Istanbul and they will be releasing it theatrically in Turkey and Eastern Europe. Several Turkish and Eastern European actors were cast to increase the movies presence in these regions.


If you noticed, Tamer Karadagli's wife is among the journalists in the movie. It seems that Tamer has called some friends and family around for the filming :D


Except she's not his wife anymore,just a quick update.I'm Turkish and I've no interest in seeing this movie.Was it any good?


it's pretty god damn awful, but at least it's not boring...kind of fun to watch because of its ineptness


I m not sure but I guess we will not see this movie in Turkish Cinemas


It opened theatrically in Turkey in early May and is currently playing theatrically in Romania and The Czech Republic. It comes out on DVD next week in Germany and South America and in the U.S. later this year.

