MovieChat Forums > Knocking (2006) Discussion > Positive reports about San Jose Delivera...

Positive reports about San Jose Deliverance at hand convention

Dear friends: As many of us know, the newspapers today often print replies received by e-mail to the articles they print. These are sometimes referred to as "blogs" and you may or my not know about them. You will enjoy these sent by a sister who picked them up from the San Jose, California newspaper.
Your brother, Weldon

jz's preface: Today I had time to read this. The original was much longer, as there were MANY comments to the San Jose Mercury News article about our convention invitation work. These are some of the replies to the editor that the paper received on it's website. It is still a bit long, but these were just too interesting not to share. There were replies to the paper from brothers and sisters from all over the world, but mostly I enjoyed the reactions of the non-Witnesses, because it shows the good our work is doing for those who are reasonable. Some made me laugh with delight at their insight.

I included a few answers from brothers and a non-Witness or two to the letters sent by one disgruntled former Witness, though of course I would not include his letters here, what a wacko. Don't miss the last one; the brother's reasoning shines brightly. It did make me think of the quote from Bro. Russell that I loved at the Convention: If you kick at every dog that barks at you, you'll never get anywhere." :-) But I am glad these brothers, and one non-Witness, did some "kicking" so I could have these replies in my repertoire. yummmmm.

Plus I loved it that one person called us a "national treasure"! Yeah!

I hope you have time to enjoy this.

Love, jz


In my opinion Jehovah’s Witnesses seem to be the only ones following the Bible to the letter. If someone came to my door with their message, I would ask them (as most honest hearted people would) to prove it Scripturally.

My Son had a bracelet that read WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) Well what did He do? And what was the very last thing He told his followers to do before ascending to His Father?


Thank you for this article. It was, I think a fair assessment and clear explanation of why these people do what they do. We should have more unbiased opportunities for understanding the positions and beliefs of one another, most particularly people who reach out to us as Jehovah’s Witnesses do. Perhaps then we would be more accepting and less fearful of our neighbors and their practices.


Americans should be grateful for folks like this who freely exercise their 1st Amendment liberty to free press, speech, worship, and association. Though all may not agree with their doctrinal views, these active Christians carry the burden of maintaining those liberties on their backs, not only in America, but in the world.

Internationally, in the Human Rights arena, Jehovah’s Witnesses are like the canaries they used to use in mines to test for poisonous gasses. If their evangelizing is hindered, you know that liberty in society at large is endangered.

America was founded in significant part by person’s unwelcome in Europe for the work of proclaiming and living the gospel. Thanks for the article.

It is so refreshing to here a positive story about these fine people. They work so hard to bring us what they feel is “good news” they are a national treasure.

It’s nice to see a different type of human interest story on the front page ,and nicely done as always by the Mercury News. Whether you agree with them or not, it was interesting to read the length of effort they go through. They have to be admired for it. Slide show was an excellent extra. Thank you.

Its prudent to put such a topic on the front page, presented by a respectful dedicated people because;

“What if, they happen to be right?”

Very encouraging to see that some people will actually place the interests of others before their own.


Very nice article; how many people would give of their time to do a work like this? These people must love their neighbors…

Lovely article. This article was sent to me by a friend right after I finished reading another article about the killings of the 2 Soldiers in Iraq and how the insurgents believe the killings were carried out with God Almighty’s blessing. It is unbelievably mind boggling to me to understand how crimes against humanity is supposedly giving glory to God. Your article about the good Jehovah’s Witnesses are doing, regardless of the sometimes-negative responses and at times violent reaction of the people, helped bring home the fact we are truly in a very precarious and often scary time, yet brings hope for a better future. Something we all need, whether we admit it or not.

Thank you for your article - simple clear and respectful (I wish the French newspapers would do the same!!)

Nice report. The people of San Jose may wonder why we’re putting in extra hours. We do a tract campaign like this one every three or four years. Helps us remember where we are in the stream of time.

As for our detractors: We are an organization made of imperfect people. If you want to criticize us for that, go right ahead. (By the way: Jehovah’s Witnesses have more Supreme Court victories in support of Free Speech than any other organization. You’re welcome.) Have YOU offered a better alternative? I didn’t think so.
I don’t care what your “Witness friend/aunt/boyfriend” did to upset you. Anyone who comes to our conventions with even one of the five senses working will realize that we really do follow Jesus– as a group. You can’t deny the peace and unity that exist in our ORGANIZATION.

Are we too strict? Do we squash dissent? Do our leaders extend an iron fist into the most private part of our lives? Many people feel that is so. Are they right? Look at any successful athletic team. What is the coach like? Does he leave their diet; sleep habits and social life up to chance? Do his athletes complain about that? Only the weak and undisciplined ones.

The point is: Thanks for the article. It portrayed us accurately. We are imperfect people trying to imitate a perfect man. We have never gotten it right, but we keep trying because we love him, we love God, and we love you.

I enjoy witnesses coming to my door; they seem to breakdown bible teachings and help you understand them much clearer. It’s sad some people enjoy bashing them and calling them a sad cult with problems. There welcome anytime in my neck of the woods. I'm studying now about 1914 and what that was all about. Its very interesting and they have proven this bible prophecy true thus far, I'm excited to learn more. They are very much Christian. All you need to so is ask a question and they will do the research to prove the point. I like that. You don’t find many churches that can strongly support their beliefs the way these people do. I’m impressed!! I think they mirror Noah when he went to warn everyone of the great flood, many people had a ridicule for their ridicule but when all is said and done, its up to each individual to really ponder and give a listening ear to what their friendly teachings from the bible mean.


Wow! These people are very admirable.

From all the comments I read I think the bitter ones are from people that are just - BITTER!

Maybe you were a JW before but you left cause you felt it wasn’t for you. So keep your ideas to yourself
don’t you see that by saying all those negative things about them you just sound like a bitter bag.
Negative comments should be kept to yourselves. Ever hear of “if you don’t have anything good to say then don't!" Goodness!

I personally think they do such a wonderful work. No one today would work for free and knock on stranger's doors. They deserve respect for their hard work

I asked them questions and they answer each one with the bible - amazing if you ask me!

About the whole 1914 issue made in the previous comments - yes its real and accurate. They can prove it using the “bible!!!”

Thank you all you JWs for your effort in preaching and teaching.

I don’t read Internet stuff cause again it’s written by bitter people.

And no they don’t cover “molestation” get your facts straight! Perhaps you're just bitter!
Well get over it and move on!


I have a question: Why the searing hatred?

If I go to a grocery store and don’t like their provisions, seems to me that I would patronize another. So, what’s up with that?

If you don’t like bananas, don’t eat them! You don’t go around thrashing some one who does. Once again, I ask, why such a tirade of malevolence? Sounds bitterly personal to me.

I thank those who wrote the negative comments. Now, I’m going to make sure I’ll listen to them next time they are at my door.

I have another question: What IF they are right?!?


I work with many JWs. They’re not zombies. As a matter of fact, they are good thinkers.
It’s clear that those who rage against them have an agenda.
What a great human-interest story!


I have been a Witness, struggling to keep afloat in this world of hatred, for many years now. Living life as one of Jehovah’s Witness is not easy and there are problems, as there would be with any organization being supported by imperfect humans.

I want to thank the ones who have responded positively to this article; your open-mindedness will get take you far and, at the very least, your lives will be much happier that those who lavish criticism. I can attest first hand to the sort comings of some alleged Witnesses; I was the victim of molestation as a child by a supposed elder. Contrary to what was written earlier however, that person was expelled from the organization and legal steps were being taken to prosecute him further when he died. I know, first hand, that those who have had a history of abusing minors are never allowed positions of oversight in the congregations and if someone is even accused of this crime, serious action is taken.

Of course, there are struggles and problems, we are only imperfect humans but I look forward desperately to a time when all suffering and injustice will be dealt with by our father Jehovah “the invisible God,” who “no man has ever seen”. If you are searching for answers to your questions and hardships, listen to the next Witness who knocks on you door and remember, we are just like you, trying to make life worth living.


When I was young I wanted to be minister. After going to many churches and becoming involved and then reading the Bible, I came to the conclusion there was no true religion being practiced. I have been a non-believer for over 20 years now. Recently I started to study Jehovah Witnesses’ and I must say they seem to have the most factual information. After reading the first couple of letters posted here I can see these persons don’t have a clue and just make statements.


[The objector said:]

THINK! If you wanted to know about the quality of a product (religion) would you listen to the seller or a longtime customer?

[I love this brother's answer:]

THINK! If you REALLY wanted to know about a product (religion)… would you listen to one self-centered, disgruntled customer who didn’t get his way… or any one of 6.6 million who are enjoying the beautiful and beneficial fruitage reaped by using it?

(Can you tell that some who post here have ulterior motives? Why would anyone spend their entire life trying to discredit something good? If he had something better… wouldn’t he be spending his time telling others about it instead???)

Those who are doing the work mentioned in this article enjoy true peace and are a living demonstration of godly peace, international unity, and true brotherhood. No man could be responsible for that. What a great work to bring peace to others.



