MovieChat Forums > Sweeney Todd (2006) Discussion > Awful accent from female lead

Awful accent from female lead

she looks familiar but dont know her name .and her cockney london accent is absolutely dreadful its cringeworthy like a episode of the office


Her acting was good but, yes, the accent left a lot to be desired. She's Australian and lives in the US according to the BBC website but I saw her in "Girl with a Pearl Earring" last year and she was fine at doing a posh accent but her Cockney accent in this was hilarious-it reminded of Johnny Depp's crappy one in "From Hell" and Audrey Hepburn's 'Cockney' accent in My Fair Lady: "Arm ah gud gurl ah am...".

The problem is that very few actors-English or foreign-can do a good Cockney accent without sounding like a joke. At least we had Ray Winstone to show how it's done properly!


Sorry, but I have to disagree about her accent. The only thing I found odd to begin with was how deep her voice seemed to be in this. It reminded me a bit of Rachel Stirling's in 'Tipping the Velvet'. Having seen Essie Davis on stage and to speak to I know she actually has a 'normal' tone to her voice (if any voice can be called 'normal'!). Think it was a character choice to make her appear older than she looks. She tends to look a lot younger than she actually is and maybe it was thought the age difference between Ray Winstone and her would have seemed too great if she kept her natural tone. Just a thought.

Otherwise thought it was a good adaptation of a story that is not usually taken that seriously in other versions (see musical version). Thought Ray was great as usual. Liked Tom Hardy too.


no my friend theres no geting away from the fact that it was quite possibly the worst bit of acting since Arnold Schwarzeneger in 'Hercules in New York'her accent was appaling. bit harsh her performance was really goo minus the accent ...but why couldnt they actually get someone from london to play it.


I agree her accent was bad i thought she was meant to be foreign but soon realised she went to the same speech school as Dick Van Dyke!!

The future bright, the futures red and whiteGunners!


She sounded so much like Fletch's daughter Ingrid from Porridge , that she must have watched the programmes and copied the accent . I kept expecting Godber to show up.

