Sweeney's celibacy?

Why is Sweeney abstinent in the film? He obviously loved Mrs. Lovett. Why wouldn't he consummate with her? It's not a religious reason, obviously.



Maybe something happened to him in jail as a child. The Gaoler he killed, alluded to sexual abuse when speaking about the imprisoned children. It would explain his problems with intimacy.


And in the movie he also says that everyone has their "vices" so to speak, some find it in sex, others drinking, he says his is killing

I may be bad... but I feel gooood.


Maybe it was because he knew Ms Lovett had the pox? And didn't want to catch it?


Well, the man did fiddle around in her vagina to abort her baby. Not too many men would be keen to stick their privates in there when imagery of blood and fetal tissue dance in their heads.

Everyone dies, but not everyone gets to live. -- The Ice Queen


Hee hee!


Kirk Acevedo makes my heart feel strange


She told him that she figured it had something to do with that, but he said that wasn't it. I can't recall the exact reason he gave her, if any, but when they were...intimate, he seemed to lose it right around the time that he was starting to, err, enjoy what she was doing.


I think that his character was supposed to be a psychotic, and there's a dissociative aspect to that, so the more intimate an experience, the more he would be repulsed by it. I think that his brief interlude with her made him feel that he was losing control, something that a psychotic would fear more than anything.


I have studied this man in the vaults of the Surete and there are many vols. that allude to him having cut off his penis at an early age. No one will ever know for certain, but the guy was obviously missing something.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


I stick to the "something -happened- to- him- in- jail"-theory...he cannot bear seeing Mrs.Lovett making love to the other guys, so he does want her...besides, she didnĀ“t have the pox, it was syphilis!
