I totally didn't like

Corky... I just didn't like his part in the film, or his character. He was the little annoying kid who just wouldn't go away. Was there every a corky in the books? I don't think so.
He wasn't very cool at all. I guess he was the silly comic relief. Ned didn't like him, and if Nancy was smart, she'd lose him too. that's just me though.


I thought I was gonna hate this film but ended up liking it fairly well,As for a Corky being in the books---I really can't tell you if there was one for sure or not, but wasn't that sort of the point of this whole film? She wasn't in her hometown River Heights but rather in Tinsel Town dealing with an rude attitude that she wasn't used to.

The closest I ever got to reading Nancy Drew where those Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys cross over books(same author, different name)......

Oh, and I can tell anyone who hated this film that there where worse adaptions of this Author's teen detectives and it is legitimately impossible to disagree with me.......



Why was Corky... a 12 year old ...eating lunch in the high school cafeteria? It didn't make sense. And then he was at the high school pep rally...Why?


He says that he skipped a few grades. There was "no action" in his grade so he got his dad to make a few calls.


In a small school it might be common to see 12 year olds eating in a high school cafeteria.

When I was a child I used to walk about half a mile to the grade school and back for lunch, then back to school and back home again after school.

In sixth grade we moved to a new town and our house was next to the grade school. The high school was across a street from the grade school.

The junior high school was in the same building as the high school. Naturally I continued to walk home for lunch in high school.

The seventh grade kids usually turned thirteen during seventh grade. Thus there would always be a few twelve year olds eating lunch in the high school cafeteria. Of course I don't remember seeing any there - I don't think that I ever ate in the high school cafeteria during six years.


Like, you totally didn't like it, or you didn't like it, totally?

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus
