la pelicula en argentina

alguien ha visto la pelicula en argentina?
lo vi en escocia y cuando empezo la pelicula hacia una parrafo en ingles contando la historia de la epoca de la pelicula. cuando le mostra la pelicula en argentina hay una parrafa como esta en espanol contando la historia?

has anyone seen this film in argentina or another spanish speaking country? when i saw this film in scotland there was a paragraph at the beginning of the film explaining the history of argentina during the time of the film. when they showed it in spanish speaking countries was there a similar paragraph but in spanish or was it assumed the audience would know enough info about that time period


Miriam, I've seen it a couple of months ago so I don't remember about that paragraph. It wouldn't surprise me that they added it to explain the context to people from other countries.


acabo de ver la película anoche en méxico y sí había tal parrafo.


la acabo de ver (soy argentino)

y si, esta el parrafo explicando la situacion de ese momento


soy italiano y acabo de ver la pelicula
en italia esta tambien el parrafo en argentino esplicando la situacion historica


I live in Greece, today I saw the original Spanish-speaking version subtitled in Greek. At the beginning there was this paragraph in Spanish on the film. Towards the end there were also some paragraphs (in Spanish again) showing what would happen to the characters afterwards. Of course all these paragraphs were translated at the subtitles.
