
I could sit here all day making a list of movies that are far worse than this one...and in every area (acting, lighting, story, effects, etc. etc.)...and some of them had enormous budgets that didn't save them: Waterworld anybody?

If you're into pain, here's few that will satisfy: Power Corps aka Recon 2020...don't even know where to start with that one, Troll 2, hell all the Trolls were awful, Alice in Murderland omg I don't know what to say about that one...

This wasn't so terrible, sure there were some people doing really dumb things, wtf moments & plot holes up the yinyan...but it did have some creep factor & the gore didn't look like chocolate sauce...nor did it look like it was shot on somebody's home video cam.

I would never tell somebody not to watch a flick simply because it sucked badly IMHO, so check it out for yourselves.....
