can somone post a pic of carnage cause i cant get to it and i want to see what he looks like! and for ppl that dont know its carnage its spiderman when you have to be venom and fight him and heslike small or something?



You don't really fight carnage, i mean techinacly its spider-carnage, as carnage is the symbiote and cleatus cassidy

And since I am dead, I can take off my head, to recite Shakespearean quotations


It's actually a clone of Peter Parker, not Cletus Kasady. I have Issues 60-65 and it's pretty clear it's a clone of Peter.


There are technically 3 Ultimate Carnages :

The first is actually a genetic cocktail of The V.E.N.O.M. Suit with the DNA of Curt Conners , Richard Parker and Peter created by Conners and his assistant Ben Reilly( who is African-American and not a Peter clone in The Ultimate Universe though he still plays a role in The Ultimate Clone Saga ) . The creature is initially nicknamed " Little Ben " after Reilly by Conners . It`s implied the creature became unstable and insane as a result of a combination of The Suit`s need to absorb the lifeforce of human beings , killing them , to survive , Richard`s memories and Curt`s Lizard DNA , causing it to kill dozens including Gwen Stacy though not before absorbing her memories . Interestingly enough unlike Cletus Kasady in the 616 Comics , the creature actually seemed somewhat tormented by having to kill to survive and thus while bloodthirsty was not the irredeemable psychopath Kasady was nor the mindless killing machine of the games in which Ultimate Carnage is featured . It also sought affection from Peter whom it considered its " father " and indeed Peter , despite resenting the creature for killing Gwen , did pity it , especially when it cried out to Peter in his own father`s voice in its last moments .

The second is in the game in which Bolivar Trask and Adrian Toomes inject Peter with a serum that brings out the Suit particles remaining in his system . Thus , though identical to the original Ultimate Carnage and having the same abilities , this would technically be Ultimate Spider-Carnage . Also unlike the first and third Ultimate Carnages , this version is truly mindless due to The Suit`s hunger completely suppressing Peter`s personality and conscience . Eddie absorbs Carnage , freeing Peter and giving Eddie " complete and total control " over The Suit . It should also be noted the comics have since made this version non-canon .

The third introduced in the Ultimate Clone Saga is an imperfect , amnesiac Gwen Stacy clone made with the remains of the original Ultimate Carnage by Dr. Octopus , Henry Gyrich ( here a CIA Agent connected to Richard Parker ) and Ben Reilly . After regaining her memories and being attacked by S.H.I.E.L.D. , the creature`s instincts take over and she goes on a rampage . Eddie absorbs Carnage`s Suit particles from Gwen , causing her to become a perfect clone of the original Gwen with no Carnage monster transformations and Eddie to gain " complete and total control " of The Suit .
