elevator scene???


Can anyone help me out with this particular scene. When the main character falls asleep/passes out in the restroom toward the end of the film there is a scene showing him getting in an elevator with a bunch of other people. This scene ends as he wakes up (if I remember correctly). Does anyone know the significance of this scene. I am wondering if I missed something that makes it make more sense.


He was dreaming that he was back to "normal" after he drank that green drink. Notice how clean his face was?

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


At the very beginning of the movie, Les (as narrator) says he used to dream of mundane things like riding in elevators but that there was a time he would dream about flying. This scene is meant to signal a return to those normal dreams and his regular life.


Okay....I get it now....thank you very much.


Also note that an elevator is just a human contraption for flying.


good answers. i also took it as him riding down in the elevator was symbolism for him 'coming down' from the drug.


Well done. I didn't get the scene at all, you guys made some great observations.

I only do it with superheroes.


Yes, but the elevator was going up.


How do you know? I thought it was going down.


maybe since it was going up then it was symbolizing how he was going back to normal level/life after being downhill/bad from the adverse drug reactions.


Why are you all wet, baby?


Or maybe the direction the elevator was moving had NO significance lol

