Question about score

I just watched it on Youtube, and the music was shocking, completely out of sorts with the action in the film, and really, really over the top, intrusive, grating etc etc.

Then I thought that it was simply so bad, that it had to be a mistake. So I looked around and found another version, again on youtube, and the music was just right - matched the musicians, had character and soul and charm... and was just so different from the first score.

I think I'm about to anwer my own question here, but are there actually two scores for this, or did some muppet on Youtube just stick on a mostrosity for whatever their own perverse reasons were? What really confuses me are the comments below the awful music, saying how great the music was. Glad I took time to find the other versio, as on the first one, I was all set to give it a really poor rating.
