Peralta is the man.

Anyone agree?


hell yeah. he turns to gold, anything he touches!


Totally! His two documentaries are so awesome.
Anyone know where I can get his earlier stuff?

I've heard better singing from a mongoose with throat cancer!


Why would we argue with the fact that he's a man, we know he's a man.


He is flipping great! Does anybody know that this film is about?

Jay: [to Stacey] Dude, screw the team, I mean, you have a logo!


Well the name can be decietful if you do not knw who he is. :)


The name can be decietful if you know who he is.

It is a film about black gangs in Los Angeles.



The POwell perelta Bones Brigade videos of the 80's are pretty entertaining. They only list the third one 'Animal Chin' on this site for the reason that it almost enters the category of movie due to a near non existant plot with a little narritive. Personally i found it to be my least faveorite of the first 6 videos that i know stacy perelta was largely involved in.

Bones brigade video show
Future Primitive
animal chin
Public Domain
Ban This

THey are all available in Skateboard merchandise stores all over the world.

On the negative side they are skateboard videos, not documentaries or movies. They are a bit juvenile in places to engage the adult viewer, most of which probablty have come back to for nostalgia viewing.

On the positive side they are not documentary by design but have come to define and document their time and place. Comparitive to Skate videos in general these are rich in content in and around the skateboarding showcases. Written Comedy skits, interviews, humour(Lance Mountain), eclectic locations and soundtracks, pacy video and sound editing.

The quality of Peralta's latter work comes to no surprise if you were brought up on these videos. His creativity and personality was all there in these videos from the 1980's.


he's stuck in the past man - and his films are totally irrelevant and so is he -

Because you've been harassing us and because of your love of the New Kids On The Block movie.


I think Peralta is a great filmmaker as well. This film fits in much better with his body of work than one poster seemed to think in that it deals with another subculture of LA. Really talented filmmaker. Can't wait for this to come to Denver.


No Doubt Stacy Peralta is the F'ing man.
