MovieChat Forums > Dante's Inferno Discussion > dante's inferno-epic movie?

dante's inferno-epic movie?

Is the Dante: Inferno movie that was going to have all the Italian actors and be delivered in a three part series or is that still in the works? Because I couldn't find any information on that...only this.


No. This is the toy theatre version of Dante's Inferno that's been showing at film festivals all year with American actors like James Cromwell (Academy Award nominee) and Dermot Mulroney.

The other one was removed from, supposedly because it wasn't for real. But I don't know for sure. You can search the internet for them. They're out there somewhere.


I know! I could of sworn I saw a posting for a live-action dante's inferno on imdb some time ago, but when I searched for it again all I could find was this crap!

I believe i found it at the link:

I got this link from the official website:

But when you go there get a "page not found message".
The actors involved are also listed working on it at .org
There's also another link at

So there's definately something in the works, but for whatever reason imdb is deciding not to broadcast it.



How exactly would you make a trilogy of each? Do you mean a trilogy based on the "poem"? Not book?



FYI... our film is coming out on DVD this summer. August 26th is the release date.

One of the DVD extras is a commentary by the scholars Peter Hawkins and John Bell. Peter Hawkins is a professor at the Yale Divinity School and noted Dante scholar. And John Bell is the Director of Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry, a fellow at MIT, and is the foremost puppetry historian in the US. They've both published important works in their fields.


The message has been deleted, but I imagine the above poster was suggesting that the three movies would be 1) Inferno 2) Purgatory 3) Paradise.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
