Is he related to Arnold?

I swear to God that 6'7, 320 pound wolf guy is Arnold 30 years ago, the acting, the accent, the physique, everything!!


when i watched the movie at first... i'd say Arnold is a much better actor than this but this guy is huge though...dont think that bigger than Arnie but he is deffinitly big...


Schwarzenegger is only 6'2"

If I die first, bon appetite.


his voice and some facial expressions are very arnold like i must say


He does remind me of Arnold.
The face, the body, the accent, the acting looks like Arnold's 30 years ago.

I said "looks like", not "the same" !


This guy is an idiot nobody likes him in Russia and his very bad actor.


He visited the same unversity I did. LOL but true...


Right, I'm surprised with the facts in his mini biography. Celebrity? Hell no! Treasury Raiders were released directly on DVD.


Trashery raiders



LOL. He is a big admirer of Arni & I guess it stretches to the "acting" similarity and even some facial expressions/mimics. It is pathetic IMHO. Who needs the second Arni anyway?? ))


In Russia everything that is successful in the West is beyond legendary. It's a religion with a capital re.

I wouldn't be surprised if Alexander Nevsky (here it's like naming yourself George Washington) talked Arnie into selling him the right to become a distant relative of his for a one infinite wad of cash...they (means he) say he's THAT big of a fan.

But you have to admit - he really knows how to put a star studded cast together: most of the US actors that show up in his blockbusters are pretty famous here.


I mistook him for the Rock until he opened his mouth.


then you mistook him for Niko Bellic



This guy is a fu**ing disgrace in Russia. Everybody despises him there. He's a buffoon with an exalted sense of self-importance. The funny thing though, this buffoon actually takes himself seriously and considers himself a good actor. Some of his movies should appear on Best of the Worst.
