MovieChat Forums > King of the Lost World (2005) Discussion > Good Opening scenes + score, then it we...

Good Opening scenes + score, then it went downhill....

It really got bad with the poorly done CGI of "kong". I mean it was so blurred and choppy you did not know what was going on at times. And the "nuke" that they were 10 feet away from and were not harmed? WTF!? Thew acting wasn't terrible like I've seen in other movies. They had some cute females and most of them had great legs, so that was a plus.


What I recall was that in order to be effective; the remote had to be within 300 yards. How do you get away from a nuclear blast that fast? Within 300 yards, you are dust(or even less).


Yeah, and don't forget during the fight in the middle, one guy misses a punch, but you still hear the "Punch" sound effect WTF?

I have had it with these motherfu[king snakes on this motherfu[king plane!]


You may be interested to know that the gorilla is now advertising Cadbury Chocolate to the tune of 'In The Air Tonight' on British TV! All is not 'Lost'!!


You may be interested to know that the gorilla is now advertising Cadbury Chocolate to the tune of 'In The Air Tonight' on British TV! All is not 'Lost'!!


This was shown on the Sci Fi channel in the UK on Friday, I thought it looks good, lets tape it, wish I hadn't bothered, what a load of s@*t. I pity all the actors, their lines were cheesy, the acting terrible, or that could be because of the script, the effects where a disgrace to CGI and don't get me started on the nuclear bomb, and it was never fully explained wtf was going on.

TimeTurning Weatherby
How could it possibly be worse, all my knights have fled and we’re lost in a dark and very expensive forest


The dialogue at that point is ambiguous: from the subsequent explosion, I'd hazard "300 yards" referred to the range of the detonator. Quite how it didn't act as a "dirty bomb" (after all, there was radioactive material onsite) is anyone's guess.

Having watched this drivel, I have a nasty feeling it was intended as a pilot.


I, too fell for the preview on the SciFi channel. But, being a fan of campy crap from ASYLUM I already knew what to expect. The title KING OF THE LOST WORLD states all of the used materials: LOST, LOST WORLD and KING Kong. I had fun because I pretty much laughed outloud from start to finish.

Items of note:
BAD SCORE: TOTALLY! many parts of the film you had BG music, then a cut to a scene without BG music then cut back to the beginning scene and BG music continuing.
NUKE: Ummm, yeah. I thought 'Locke' said THEY had to be 300 yards away to be safe because it was a short range whatever...Anyway nuclear winter'll get them.
CGI: Oh, yeah! Very bad looked like they were put into a blender.
THE "OTHERS": HUH??!! Ok they kidnap you, make you drink liquid and you speak foreign language. You kind of lost me there. BTW anyone like the scene where they are goingto their plane and it is breezy so the non-turned-evil girl has to keepp holding her 'skirt' down so she doesn't pull a Britney and show us her HooHa! Oh yeah, love the perfectly cut raggedy clothes the 'others' were wearing
LOST CHARACTERS: Locke, Kate, Jack, Michael, Claire (mentioned but not seen), Jin & Sun (remember woman that left husband but went back for no reason), Shannon & Boone (photographers "We're on an assignment, not a date").
LAST BUT NOT LEAST: My favorite! During the lat monologue of "we're all going to die here" "Not today" you can clearly hear the neighbor's large dogs barking in the background!!. I actually had to rewind it (yay Tivo) to make sure it was not my neighbor's dogs. They probably finished the filming at someone's house then got stoned to think of their next rip-off movie - but with titles like: The Da Vinci Treasure, Transmorphers, 30,000 Leagues Under the Sea and more, what do you expect.

If you want a recommendation for more ASYLUM crap worth watching for a good laugh check out the one where the is an Egyptian Pyramid found underground in California and the priestess is a murderous slut. Fun for the whole family, no? Title: Legion of the Dead. VERY FUNNY.


I too noticed her holding down her skirt, however she must have complained because a few minutes later, after they ran from the plane her skirt had gotten longer. Also liked the scene in the cave when the stewardess got up giving use a glimpse of her underwear. Not the greatest Asylum pic but far better than "Pirates of Treasure Island".


Funny thing is, I have never, to this day, watched an entire episode of LOST. Perhaps the axiom, "great minds think alike" applies here?

"There is no peace without freedom, no freedom without a fight."
