Entertaining Film

I say "entertaining film" with the additional comment that a lot of the story ideas I've seen before. It seems the writer, at a loss as to what to write, just mashed a whole bunch of films together. The fact that all the different bits and pieces were actually molded into a resemblance of a story is an accomplishment in itself.

I credit the director for at least shooting this low budget horror film with some creativity and vision. There's some good action (an opening truck/semi truck altercation was reminiscent of Duel), great angles, and emotion filled close ups. The characters, though not perfect, have their own defined personalities and are, for the most part, enjoyable to watch. There were one or two of them that I actually felt sad to see get slaughtered.

It's really too bad the ending throws a monkey wrench into the logic of this film. Why the writer didn't see the obvious and have the survivor become the instigator for the next set of horrors (a hint toward a sequel?) is beyond me. You'll have to see the film to understand my thoughts.

Still, this was an entertaining romp into low budget horror. I can only imagine what this director could do with an actual well written story and some money to create his vision.


how'd u see the movie? it dont come out until july 11th?


"it dont come out until july 11th?"

Ah, the wonderful American school system in action.

There are many ways that one can see a DVD release before its street date, with screeners and so-called "illegal" downloads being just two.


I was really intriqued by the actor who played the maniac. I felt he brought about a almost "human presence to the character. I thought the scene with him reacting to his dead wife was exceptional.


That's hilarious, an actor "anonymously" commenting on his own acting performance, hard to make stuff like that up.

@all: Marketing like this doesn't help, you can only fool people long enough, eventually (ie 1 minute into the film) they'll find out how bad the film is and will feel cheated by imdb, by your "clever marketing". Pathetic.


Have you seen the film? I'd like to know what you thought of it?


ROFLMAO good find... Wonder how many actors actually end up voting for their own flicks? (or if Uwe Boll does that for his films:O)

~ TX


To whom ever this may concern,

My name is bill Jacobson and I am the actor being referenced to. I rarely look at message borard. So when a "so called friend mentioned that I should gaze at the message board fccussing on what people are saying about something I did over a year ago,I was curious. As I started reading the statemens, I started reading a statement that was sent from my computer. I got the JOKE! It seems my friend who was waiting for the righ moment to get back at me for something that I did over two years ago finally found what he wanted. He found an oportunity to get me back and he did. For the record, I find it pretty funny. Very clever. I would however like to say for he record as well that I did not nor would not right something as assinine as that. Thanks and all I hope is that I spelt assinine right.



If you want to be anonymous maybe you should remove your website address from your profile....

Enjoyed your performance though, this is my kind of movie.


Bill, you were the best of the actors in that pathetic movie. You and that guy with the black hair(you know, the one who stepped into that bear trap)

Poor directing(bad angles), poor acting(remember the jock dying? I friggin laughed), poor effects(the fire), decent music(stock music. Nothing special).


there running out of stories , and just the crew with great Imaginationations rule . this sounds sucky


Holy.... LAUGHNJACKAL... or Mr. Jacobson.... how shameless are you to praise yourself and your acting job. I mean, it wasn't bad.... but it wasn't exactly bringing "human presence to the character." Too bad you're not big enough otherwise this would already be a pretty funny scandal on E! and tabloids.



even not for my butt..
