A work of pure genius

I loved this movie much more when it was called 'The Texas Chainsaw.' No, seriously. Just take Leatherface's chainsaw away, remove all the scares, and add some vapid dialogue and that's pretty much what this movie is. I was bored. You'll be bored, too.


Actually - its more of a weird mix of Texas Chainsaw Massacre with Wes Craven's The People Under The Stairs.

And by weird mix I mean the first half was like a bad re-make of Chainsaw and the second half of the movie was like a bad re-make of People Under the Stairs.


Actually it was more like Wrong Turn than anything. Car accident, traps set up in the road, isolated house/farm, middle of nowhere type stuff. I thought it could have easily been called Wrong Turn 2. But I guess Henry Rollins wouldn't like that. lol


It was very "people under the stairs"! From being in the walls, to wanting children, to cutting out her tongue...


Eh..it was okay. I've never seen "The Texas Chainsaw", but I could understand the resemblence.


Welcome to the world of Michael Feifer... where all movies are fair game to shamelessly ripoff without adding an iota of originality or creativity.



I agree. This crappy bilge blew massive spam chunks. 2 out of 10 from me.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


"don't you watch horror movies? bad things happen in creepy farmhouses" (or something along those lines) but that quote pretty much said it all about the movie being a shameless ripoff of all that's been mentioned on this thread so far, and doesnt seem to take itself seriously either
