Even Good for Agnostics!


I'm Agnostic (with Athiestic leanings) and I was thoroughly enchanted by this film- the beauty of the monastery and its surroundings in the French Alps,the portrait like framing and stillness of some of the shots (a drop of water falling from a drying plate on a sink, a harvestman waving its eight legs over a doorframe, sunlight reflected in squares on a tile floor) and the still, contemplative nature of the film are very moving and affecting. In this day and age of huge mega-CGI blockbusters, it was interesting to sit in a cinema and be bathed in almost total silence for three hours. I don't subscribe to the monk's beliefs, but I admire their fortitude and devotion- I myself couldn't keep quiet for five *minutes*!

Fascinating and rewarding viewing. It really didn't seem like 2 and three quarter hours at all!


Amen, amen and amen. Can't wait to sit down and review it (and heck, to watch it again).

At least I won't have to lie to you anymore.


I would be lying if I said I did not agree with basically every single word of your post (and I am an Agnostic with Atheistic leanings myself). I feel lucky that my local art-house theater was able to show it, because this was a truly great experience.


You guys are probably born contemplatives!

It's only hubris if I fail



If your fence-sitting leans towards atheism, what could you possibly find admirable about their 'devotion'?


Well, it keeps them out of trouble.

I used to want to change the world. Now I just want to leave the room with a little dignity.


Discipline, quietude, fortitude, and devotion to a cause you believe is good are general humanistic virtues that are in no way exclusive to religion. Anyone can see that these are virtues which have their place, even if they don't personally believe in the practice of monasticism. Buddhism, for example, also emphasizes these principles, and it is arguably more of a philosophy than a religion. I know this is an old post, but I just thought I'd point this out.


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