MovieChat Forums > In the Valley of Elah (2007) Discussion > American Sniper's message is of no help.

American Sniper's message is of no help.

The running theme of PTSD in Elah warned that America's 'exceptionalism" was making self examination and possible self correction unlikely. Demanding a unipolar world (with the USA as the "uni" of course) is the quest of paranoid sadists not altruistic megalomaniacs. Americans don't dig deep enough into their psyches to see their corrputed ways.

Hank's sanitized Biblical folklore bedtime story of a boy facing and then slaying a giant was predatory and misguided. Hank's version of valor and glory in the Valley of Elah attempted to inspire and comfort a young boy but left out that the teenage novice warrior for the Israelites cut off the head of Golaith while Goliath was semi conscious and then took the head along on a campaign tour. Both the earlier David and Hank's son Michael were boys sent by their tribes into battle and both emerged as sadists. Older warriors often poison potential recruits with half truths.



I know The Searchers very well but won't be viewing American Sniper. Wayne's character may have been suffereing from PTSD as we now know the malady but he could have been just the type of guy who feels only alive and fulfilled in a battle to the death. He probably didn't take "kindly" to being on the losing side of the Civil War. He hated "quitters" so being a warrior for a tribe which surrendered must have been more than his psyche could handle. Take it out on the Mexicans, the "injuns" and then later the VietCong. I'm just glad he wasn't my father.


No wonder no one has replied to your ramblings of ptsd and American mass psychology. You fail to nail your point down and jump all over the place. It is just a bunch of number jabber, try learning how to construct proper paragraphs and outlying your point in the proper place. I wish I could get my 3 minutes back,
consequently I know that will not be possible.
