What freaked me out...

I have this rare, non-contagious, usually non-fatal skin disorder. I was watching an episode of this show and I was like "Wow, I think this guy has my skin disorder..." I was correct!

I knew it was rare and thought to be genetic (my father had it but no where near my stage). I was so embarrassed over the sores and my primary care physician thought it was just a staph infection. I ended up going to over 5 different doctors until, my mom an RN, recommended an infectious disease doctor. This doctor took one look at my underarm and said I have Hidradentis Supparativa. I looked this up and did a lot of research and he was correct I did have this. I was in stage 3, the worst. There is really no real treatment, it is a malformation of the apocrine glands. I am under a dermatologists care, she has me keep my house very cold, keep a fan on me at all times and shower at least 2 times a day, and always after I sweat a lot since it is my sweat glands. I live in Florida so it is difficult to not sweat. I have reversed my stage to stage 2 with the fan, showering extra and keeping my house at 68-70 degrees. There is no cure and real help from any meds.

It was extremely scary knowing my skin disorder was so rare that this show had it on there. I was stunned, even though I knew it was rare. My 3 brothers have varied stages of this disorder too.

I didnt learn anything new from the show, but it was a "wow" moment to know it was on this show.

A true friend stabs you in the front~Oscar Wilde
