MovieChat Forums > The U.S. vs. John Lennon (2006) Discussion > Love Lennon, but he was a Ahole to his s...

Love Lennon, but he was a Ahole to his son Julian it seems.

I mean, of course John Lennon is a human being ... but look
at how he treated and ignored his son Julian. Then to rub
it in they made such a huge celebration about the birth of
Sean and John's love for him and doting on him. Julian
must have been totally crushed by a totally oblivious John
Lennon. This has always bugged me. Anyone know anything
about this story? There has to be more reality behind this
man much as I appreciate his musical and political accomplishments.


I was reading something about this and it he felt bad about paying attention to The Beatles more than Julian. So he didnt want to make the same mistake with Sean. I was also reading something about Julian still feeling icy towards Yoko and Sean.


I don't understand it, and it is hard to judge someone like Lennon.
He did things most people cannot do in his life. Not sure if he
was really good, successful, positive karma - really, but not for
me to judge.

It does seem though that if he thought he screwed up with Julian,
why didn't he make and effort to fix it? Why wouldn't Julian feel
icy towards Sean and Yoko, I think they think they own John and his
image and memory ... Julian is like he is nothing. I know a little
about having a very successful but hands off Dad ... and it can
be devastating ... at least without millions to figure it out with.

I imagine that Yoko, the free, artist, new woman, blah, blah, was
so concerned with money and marketing and maybe she felt threatened
that Julian would take away from Sean.

I wonder what Sean is like?

It's like, obviously none of my business, yet I felt like I knew
John personally, he was an icon for me the whole time I was growing
up, and he was on a path that at least part of me could really
resonate with ... yet, was it all image?

I mean, that is art, that is charisma, that is all that stuff,
that John kind of at least said he renounced ... yet was it all
just part of a newer and bigger bag of BS coming up?

I really just wonder, I would love to know what John Lennon
would have made of 911?

Would he think the CIA did it. Would he hate the Muslims. This
was his beloved New York City. This was something that pacifism
could not make go away? Or would he blame it on us. I am so
curious ... guess we'll never know.



"Sadly Reagan didn't die..."

You can't go around wishing that somebody was died... although this is Reagan we are talking about.

The Count

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"


There's a documentary called "Pop & Me" from '99 about a father and son that go on a trip around the world for fun and on the way talk to other fathers & sons to see what their relationships are like. In one part they bump into Julian Lennon at a European resort and he talks with them about his relationship with John. It was a small part of the film but telling and interesting.


When Julian was born, John was still practically just a kid himself and on the brink of worldwide fame with The Beatles, and he had no time for anything or anyone else, not even his first wife. It was unfortunate for Julian, but years later when Lennon himself finally matured, he tried to make it up for his son as well as he could before he died. He made sure that the next time (with Sean) he had learned from his mistakes. This is all very human.
