MovieChat Forums > The U.S. vs. John Lennon (2006) Discussion > THIS MOVIE JUST REMINDS ME OF..............


how now a days no body is standing up for anything.. we have all been dumbed down by the government.. everyone feels trapped, scared, hopeless.

People are not evolving.. we are becoming more passive.. we are losing eachother and ourselves!!

It scares the *beep* out of me!!


Wow, there is someone out there who I can agree with.
What the hell ever happened ... while the people thought
they were getting somewhere all the heroes were either
being bought off, corrupted, or murdered.

We are evolving, it is just that the average person
is cut out of the germline and the idea line ... only
those of noble blood can participate in the neverending
stomping on of the common people.


My friend and I were talking about this the other day. The world is going to *beep* and we're not doing a damn thing. We need another revolution! But most youth today just don't seem to care about what's happening in the world. It's sad really. I wish people would be more educated about these important issues. My parents don't even know most of it...


It is hard to find people who care. I am trying to start an achivist group in Northern England as I have a passion about the world and want to help change it. It is hard, I cannot find people who want to stand with me and I am confronted by rightwingers and sheep constantly.

The Count

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"


Yeah man.

I try and do my bit but people just laugh and say "Look at that silly hippie!"...we need an Abbie Hoffman or John Lennon or anybody to wake the world up!


I was at an enviromentalist day exhibition in the town square of Newcastle. I was one of the people participating and people looked at me as if I was a freak just because I give a damn.

The Count

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 07



the only thing that is going to wake up the mass population is GLOBAL DISASTER (political/environmental)It's unfortunate but true.. Only in such an severe incident would people forget what they've been conditioned to think and feel and act on human instinct as a whole human race, not seperated races or people who were born in different areas of the globe.. Suddenly we'd all be fighting for the same cause, forced to join forces. It will happen one day.. I believe it



regardless of your background or personality you arent any more special than anyone else. We all get one vote.


All we've got now is Bono. And while I like the guy...he's a poor man's Lennon. And he's all we've got.

--The Artist Formerly Known as UnpluggedCrazy Before My Account Got Hacked--
