I thought this movie sucked

I thought it was going to focus on the legal battle that Lennon went through in the seventies to keep his residency. Eventually it did get to that topic and covered it superficially.

The first hour was propaganda leading the viewer to believe Lennon was connected to the political protests for civil rights, the University peace protests, and the protest of the Democratic Convention. While I'm sure Lennon was in sympathy with these people he had nothing to do with them.

Geraldo, C'mom!


Although you have a point on Geraldo there, I think your comment sucked. First of it's a documentary, not a movie, so there is not really a plot for you to like or dislike. You seem to have expected a court movie, but back in those days they had no Court TV. I reccomend you watch "Gimme Some Truth", which is more focused on the legalities of the whole story. But please reconsider what you've just said, because this is not a bad "movie" at all.


Sorry Gusssss,

But I think we'll have to agree to disagree. I still didn't care for this movie and not because it wasn;t a re-enactment of the the court scenes but because it treated the matter trivially.

Even though it is a documentary trhe film makers have the choice and responsibility of what they show and don't show.

And despite the absence of Court TV at the time I think a good film maker could make a good film about this subject.

The most obnoxious moment was when Yoko Ono compared herself and Lennon to Ghandi. However, I found it spoke volumes.


How can you really say it treated the matter trivially? that's not really true at all...do you think that just because it didn't spend 100% of the film talking about his deportation proceedings,etc...?

Yoko didn't really compare herself to Ghandi, did she? she just said they were trying to be like Ghandi in what they were doing...is that really COMPARING yourself to Ghandi, saying you're trying to be like him?


Was the movie titled "The U.S. vs John Lennon: 120 minutes of Court Room Footage"?

It was a doc. on the whole idea of the U.S. fighting a war on an individual.

Sure, a lot got left out, but when your subject is John Lennon you could spend days and not even scratch the surface.

So just "Let it Be"


Nice film. Lennon would have enjoyed it.


Let it pee.
What do you think about the line from 'Imagine' "Imagine no posessions, I wonder if you can"
I'll bet john lennon couldn't. He was a *beep* millionaire.
Kinda funny


Well put!


Didn't like the movie? Oh well go watch some will smith trash as that should be right up your ally, move along troll


I have been a Beatles fan since I was old enough to understand the concept of music and I've been a Lennon fan since I was old enough to understand the concept of The Beatles. I have waited years upon years for someone somewhere to make a non-biased documentary about John because I've always felt that when people see him as a human being and not an icon they'll realize how wonderful a human being he truly was and I can tell you now, my mistaken friend, that this is the documentary all of us real fans have been waiting for. It covers the aspects of his fight with the government while still showing a broader picture of who he was as a person. I actually feel bad for you that you just don't get it. Because to read your post it becomes very clear quite immediately that you really don't get it.


Yeah. Well said.


Dude, this is hilarious.

I'm watching and reading at the same time.

The very second I read "Geraldo, C'mon!", I see Geraldo for the first time! He is such a huge joke.
