MovieChat Forums > The U.S. vs. John Lennon (2006) Discussion > Does anyone else think that Yoko Ono was...

Does anyone else think that Yoko Ono was (and is) ugly?

I totally admired John Lennon, and I think that his contribution to music in general was outstanding... He had a great personality too, and was very honest and straight-forward, unlike most modern celebrities...

Yet I consider his devotion towards Ms. Ono utterly incomprehensible... Why would he, the greatest rock star in the world, a man who could have almost anything he wanted, be interested in a woman like Yoko? And this is not about her being Japanese - in fact, I've met a lot of beautiful Japanese women - Yoko simply is not beautiful at all. And what truly puzzles me is that John chose Yoko over the other Beatles - McCartney's hatred towards Yoko was one of the reasons for which the best band in the world split up...

Does anyone have any ideas as to why did John love Yoko so much?



Aren't you a superficial little *beep* There are more things to people than appearance... I'm not suprised at all Lennon was attracted to someone like Ono, seems like exactly his type.



One thing I'd never have foreseen about the man is that he'd end up with someone so controlling, his equal if not his superior. In the earlier years, he'd often communicate a rather misogynistic outlook.

Then again, according to Yoko herself, he would say to her, "Do you know why I love you? Because you look like a bloke in drag! You're like a mate."

I just know the last thing he was, was shallow. He'd just really missed out on the mother figure in his life and Yoko provided to be just that for him. It's just funny how Paul, after 13 years of John and Yoko being together still was saying, "I understand that he wants to be with her, but why does he have to be with her all the time?".


I actually think that Yoko was pretty hot.


Seriously... What a stupid topic. He must've loved her! Its not all about looks you know! Yoko is fantastic! See the doco Imagine and you will see what a lovely person she is. johns first wife was'nt stunning too.. he must go for personality, and in Yoko's own way she is VERY beautiful!


really, come on.


3 words:
Love Is Blind.


What John and Yoko shared had everything to do with ideology and artistry. She was constant support for his music and Peace activism. She may not be beautiful in the conventional sense, but I think her inner beauty shines through; besides, she sure had/has a lot of STYLE, and if you notice, John's style improved greatly after he and Yoko got together.


I agree with parnell. If you know anything about John and Yoko's first encounter it was at an art exhibit that Yoko had participated in. John admined not only her strength as a person, but also admired her artistic prowess. Though said to be controlling and out of control she is also a very amazing artist and musician as can be seen in later records by the plastic ono band, and lennons solo career. John had seldom meet women who can meet his artistic abilities and at the same time remain firm as he could be.

Oh and by the way, personally i think she was hideous.


he was in love... she doesent need to be pretty for him to love her...



Yoko is, and was, beautiful :) I could totally see why John went for her in the Sixties, and now, well how many 73 year old women look that good? :)

Drunk with the blood of baby dolls


He wasn't as a Beatle; it's in the later years that he looked almost starved.


and I bet you are a real stunner. Yeah he was skinny before he died. Who knows, he may have been sick and didn't know it.


I think you're a superifical moron.


Anyone check out the current issue of Vogue? :)

Drunk with the blood of baby dolls



Sure did! :) Wish I had that figure at my age, let alone hers! And to the person below, I'm sorry that you have such an ugly view of the world :(

Drunk with the blood of baby dolls
