John Lennon: Reagan Supporter.

John Lennon met Ronald Reagan in the mid 1970s during a broadcast of 'Monday Night Football' and Reagan befriended Lennon and explained in detail (Reagan had been a sportscaster in the 1930s) the American Football Rules to Lennon. Lennon supported Jimmy Carter in 1976, and attented the Carter inauguration on January 20, 1977. When Lennon introduced himself to President Carter, Carter just stared back at him blankly. Even when Lennon clarified "I used to be in 'The Beatles'", Carter continued to just stand there looking baffled. Lennon was very embarressed about this. According to multiple sources including Fred Seaman, Lennon's personal assistant, as well as many staff members at The Dakota, Lennon stated many times during 1980, the was voting for/had voted for Reagan, whom John liked personally liked. He also stated that he felt that Carter had made America look weak!

Regardless of what John would have thought of today, it is the height of sleaziness to try and use archive footage of man who has been dead for 25 years, and can not speak for himself for yet another piece of anti Bush idiotic propoganda.

He can't tell us what he thinks! Let him rest in peace!


While one can make an unsound argument against Bush, the attitude of being anti-bush can never be idiotic.


"the attitude of being anti-bush can never be idiotic"

But what does anti-Bush have to do with John Lennon? It was a different day and a different time. The morons who filmed this documentry want us to think the world hasn't evolved in thirty years when John first was a protester. Now Lennon might have supported this movie, but I got a feeling he was moving into a moderate age like most liberals did during that era when they saw what doofus Carter was. Reagan was very much a moderate type of guy, who had geniune liberal support during his day and age. Not extreme leftist support, but some moderate liberals loved the man. Loved the fact the man meant business and didn't let the Commies *beep* with us.


dream on georgie


yet another piece of anti Bush idiotic propoganda.

Bu$h was president back in the 70s?

I think its more funny that you would link this documentary to the current Bu$h Administration, than it is using that Lennon footage.

Why would you automatically assume there is a connection?....

......Hmmmmmmm.......history is such a fickle thing.


Well Spliter, I am not the one making the link, the makers of this propoganda piece are. Gore Vidal is featured in the trailer making an idiotic comment like "Mr Nixon and Mr Bush dealt in Death". And the movie focuses in only a few years of Lennon's life when the Vietnam War was still going on, and the Nixon administration wanted JL deported. The website features the blurb 'The Film That Will Change The Political Landscape" first off, these bufoons seem to arrogantly think that they can do this. They don't say "The Man Who Changed The Political Landscape" they claim the film will do that! HOW? The only conclusion seems to be that they think Nixon is Bush, Vietnam is Iraq, and John Lennon is Cindy Sheehan! None of this is the case. On top of it all, they do not address Lennon's support of Ronald Reagan in 1980, or the fact that his politics were often wrongheaded. and misguided by his own admission (The whole 'Do The Oz' debacle), often he was woefully underinformed and vauge (His bizzare debate with right wing crackpot AL Capp shown in the film 'John Lennon: Imagine') and that he was continually shifting his opinions and positions on matters (common for men in their 30s). My point is that he was not Emma Goldman, and he was never predictable. Had he lived he may have become THE voice of the modern day movement, he may have sided with Bush, He may have retired again, and kept a ow public profile. We just can not predict with any accuracy what he would have done, said or thought. This film and it's makers seem to think they can, and they can't!



I can. He would have thought you're a douche bag.

Oh, and he wiped the floor w/ Capp at the bed in...


Yeah, the whole Gore Vidal thing talking about George Bush blew me away. I have no idea the context of what he actually says, but what the heck does Bush have to do with John Lennon? I'm neither a Bush supporter or a Republican/Conservative, but this does sound like left-wing propoganda to me. I don't like watching movies that tell me how to think or use a dead man to push political views. So I think I'm gonna pass on this movie.

Although, what do you expect from the studio that brought you Farenheit 9/11...


You mean Miramax?

Or Lion's Gate?

The fact that it's from "the studio that brought you Fahrenheit 9/11" has nothing to do with the quality or message of the film, since none of the people involved in making Fahrenhiet 9/11 were involved in making this. It's a stupid thing to put in the trailer.




I haven't seen the movie yet, but believe me, you don't need John Lennon to make President George W. Bush look idiotic! The man does it every day on his own. Unfortunately, this presidency comes with a body count. How many days until this moron-in-chief is out of office?

By the way, I just realized, there is an entire generation that grew up with John Lennon dead. 26 years now. My own daughter, included, never experienced him during her lifetime. Or Elvis for that matter. Amazing.


i don't disagree with making a documentary about lennon's activism. i don't disagree with making a documentary about lennon's activism that evokes current events--i think there is a very good case to be made. just be subtle about it. let the audience think for themselves. the fact that bush is mentioned in the trailer as a "dealer of death" (or whatever is said) is really lame and makes me not want to see this film as much as i want to want to see it.

Life is a state of mind.


"the fact that bush is mentioned in the trailer as a "dealer of death""

Well, it's a sound bite from Gore Vidal, apparently. That is, I heard that in the movie, but I never saw the trailer. The movie explains how the activism against the war linked up with John Lennon's personal activities. However, clearly the people who made the documentary are ani-war now, as in Iraq, as in Bush. Clearly, that is a live issue, whereas Vietnam is just history . . . being repeated. This has been said elsewhere, by others. This documentary simply echoes it.

Clearly Lennon's views and other controversial views turn a lot of people off.


I agree with everything said in this thread.
I'm hoping that the gore vidal comment is the only obvious link to bush in the movie. he did make the only bizarrely radical comment in why we fight, so it's possible.


"Reagan was very much a moderate type of guy"

he was the DEFINITION of a Conservative, no where near moderate.
"YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN!"--Batman The animated series


"Reagan was very much a moderate type of guy"

Yes, from what I've read, "Ray-Gun" did gain a lot of support from Liberals in the USA, however it depends what's meant by 'moderate'........


Well, the liberals who were alive then didn't like him all that much. Regan was a right wing extremist, reframed as a moderate. The middle has shifted to the right.


Well, he MIGHT have said he WOULD HAVE voted for Reagan if he could have----which he couldn't, because he wasn't a US citizen. So something is wrong there with those "numerous sources" if they said he did indeed vote---for anyone.

AND that story indicates he might have supported Reagan because he liked him personally, not because he particualrily agreed with him politically.

Who knows?


This movie was made about Lennon and what he did when he was alive during the peace movement---period. If you draw any comparisons between the climate then and now, it's just a coincidence that just doesn't happen to make your President look good. They've been trying to get this film made since before Bush was in office. The coincidence is not Lennon's fault. The climate now showing similarities is not Lennon's or the producer's faults. NOTE: Just a cheap sleazy shot, just like you hate them: It's not a good idea to use the word idiotic at the end of your post and then spell the next word wrong. Sorry; couldn't help myself.
"It's not the ups and downs that make life difficult, it's the jerks." Charles Chaplin


And one more thing: So what if he voted for Reagan. Loads of people did that and regretted it later-----me included.
"It's not the ups and downs that make life difficult, it's the jerks." Charles Chaplin
