MovieChat Forums > Saints Row (2006) Discussion > Pimp clothing and all that stuff

Pimp clothing and all that stuff

I saw the back of the cover for SAINTS ROW and i saw a character being dressed in a pimp suit. Question is what store do i have to go to in order to get the pimp suit, hat, all that stuff?


you have to complete the carnales snatch mission

Never on schedule, but always on time.


i completed it,but i never can get that stuuf


well just complete all the snatch missions, on every level.


How many levels are there to the los carnales snatch missions because i am trying to get the pimp outfit and am currently having extreme difficulty on level 7.

Also if i do manage to complete the los carnales snatch missions then where do i get the pimp outfit from? will i have to buy it from a shop? or does it appear in my wardrobe at the crib?

Oh and one last thing what tactics would you recomend for the more difficult snatch missions for example what cars are best to use and stuff like that.


There are 8 levels for all of the missions, execpt that first snatch mission that they get you to do. the outfit appears in your wardrobe at the crib...and i did the missions in a FBI suv, or i get the truck like benjamin king's - i think its a magnum(not sure) with nitrous. try to find a forgive and forget when it gets too crazy.

Never on schedule, but always on time.


Thanks for the help and advice i have done it now and i am now the proud owner of the pimp outfit.


For some reason I never got my outfit...even though I finished and it said "You have unlocked Dressed To Kill".

I want my pimp suit!!! :'(


Forget the clothes.....PIMP CANE SHOTGUN TO THE MAX!!!

Here's how the movie ends...Names of the cast and crew scroll up the screen.
