MovieChat Forums > Saints Row (2006) Discussion > Anyone else surprised by Johnny Gat?

Anyone else surprised by Johnny Gat?

I'm a big Daniel Dae Kim fan, and have enjoyed his roles on a number of my favorite shows over the years, like Angel, 24, and now, of course, Lost.

After having been exposed to him in varied shows and films, I thought I'd recognize the guy in any role, including voices. But I was totally surprised recently when I finished "Saint's Row" (yeah, I know - I started and stopped playing it about a gazillion times, but only recently decided to sit down and take the time to play all the way through).

I was totally stunned to find that Johnny Gat's voice actually belonged to Kim! I think I was a bit thrown off, because I believed the character to be white (which is not to say that an asian person can't play a white character's voice), but it just put me in a different mindset, and I assumed it was a white guy playing the role. Or was Johnny Gat an Asian guy, and I just misinterpreted it?

Either way, I was very pleased that I had finally finished the game, and it was an even greater reward to find that one of my favorite actors was involved.

Anyone else surprised by Kim in the game?


I was surprised when I first heard his voice in the game, partly since there's so much profanity, esp' from him specifically. I don't have a problem with swearing in these sort of games or whatever, but it just struck me as funny, since Daniel's always been on 'family/young adult' type stuff, like Angel, Star Trek, Lost and all that. I had thought it was him playing Gat, and since I'm the curious type, I came here to check out the cast...

I got that he was asian, since there's at least one in-joke about it; when Dex wants Johnny to fake being a 'King', he throws him that T-shirt and Gat remarks: "I'm yellow enough as it is, Dex."

I have a job to do, and I am unafraid. - Col. Jack Crichton.


and his asian micropenis remark:

"and I don't look like I got an 8 inch Co**, so I guess we all have our little surprises"


Johnny Gat is clearly asian. I can't believe how many people didn't notice. Maybe they were all playing it on standard def tv's or somethin. It is especially clear he is asian when he says "I'm yellow enough already" when offered to wear the Vice Kings colors. Some people try to say "Oh, he was saying he's a coward". That's just bull****. Johnny is no coward, he's a bad ass!

Gat's probably my favorite character.
