This pissed me off

A cop pulled me outta the car i was in when i didn't even have a wanted star on me and i thought he was going to pull out one of my homies

I hope in the second one they approve this , and also add more brutal ways to kill a cop because they are annoying to me! and i like to see them hurt Just so the other cops and feds would get pissed and start yelling at the top of their lungs ,

Has this happened to anyone before ? I find that it sucks and its the first time it happened to me.


It's happened to me as well. If you look in your stats, there's one that says "beat cops killed" so I assume that means cops that are paid off or whatever - so the ones that get you into trouble for no reason must be the beat cops.

I haven't looked into much because it only happened less than 5 times while I played the game.


Beat cops are cops that work a shift on the streets, driving their squad car or walking around, usually walking though. This is referred to as "walking the beat", hence the term beat cops.

Close only counts with horseshoes, hand grenades, and thermo-nuclear weapons.
