Yes Aussie

Yes an Aussie movie about Rugby League. Nothing beats a good aussie comedy about a good ol aussie pasttime.


You forgot the Oi Oi Oi! :-D


Actually Rugby League is NOT a "good ol aussie pasttime". Only people in Sydney are familiar with it. Most Australians watch more soccer than they do rugby, and Australians hardly ever watch soccer.

Australia does not equal Sydney.

Having seen the movie, I can see why most Australians don't like Rugby.

However, it is still a very good movie, and you don't need to like Rugby to enjoy it.


Its probably still the 2nd favourite team sport in Australia behind good old AFL. Im from Adelaide so by association im not a fan of rugby either but i think rugby still consitutes an australian past time. Plus its not only NSW, its QLD and even melbourne have a team dont they?? There should be more movies bout AFL and rugby. I can only think of this and Australian rules.


The Brisbane side in AFL has won a few premierships. This is still Brissie Broncos country but the Brissie Lions have a large following too.


the lions won 3 premierships in a row then made it to a fourth. in 2001/2/3 and 4. i went to all 4 games. im a huge afl fan.
not the biggest rugby person, but i always watch state of origin and back qld!
yeah melb has a team too. the melb storm. the other teams thou r pretty much from qld and nsw.
afl is more over aus than rugby is. poor nt thou doesnt have an afl team or a rugby one(i dont think they do anyway) afl is huge in vic, i love going down there during finals time, its incredible!

but yeah. i saw this film just before. i thought it was pretty good. it has some humorous moments but it also has points in it where it pulls at the heart strings. it was a feel good movie, and it has some really good aussie songs in it too! i liked the fact that they used australian songs in it rather than songs from other countries.


You forgot cricket.


Rugby League isnt a good ol Aussie pasttime???
Only people in Sydney are familiar with it???
Most Australians watch more soccer than rugby???
Australia does not equal Sydney???

Funny that. League is the most popular professional winter sport in 2 of the 3 most populated states in Oz. Its showpiece, the State of Origin, sells out even in AFL mad Melbourne. Like AFL, it has managed to capture the sporting imagination of immigrants in poorer socio-economic areas (as evidenced in this film).
Soccer is the most popular amateur game, so families and friends probably do "watch" more soccer than league, but the same is probably then also true of AFL.

But thanks you. Lets continue the ignorance and the obvious chip on your shoulder by criticizing a sport that help produce a movie about contemporary Aussie society. Oops, sorry, Aussie society is what you say it is!


Soccer would be a huge sport in this country nationally if the damn fools played more games on free to air television.

By the way, saying rugby by itself is refering to Rugby Union.

Rugby League is a great sport! but personally i think cricket is the australian past time along with AFL.


Soccer is not big in Australia because of the sissy behaviour of players who drop to the ground as if shot if somebody gets within a metre of them.


You forget the 6.5 million people who live in New South Wales and the 4 million people in Queensland the majority of which follow Rugby League and Rugby Union. To suggest more Australians watch Soccer than Rugby League is ridiculous. I sense a person trying to present there own personal feeings as representative of "most of Australia". Rugby Union and Rugby League are significantly participated in, and watched, sports within Australia. Some people follow AFL, others Rugby Union/League, some both.


I live in Queensland and Rugby is HUGE here. Especially come State of Origin. I'm sure it's huge around the rest of Australia, too.


*Yawns*..... wake me up when OZ beats NZ at rugby, which is.....NEVER!

P.S. - I'm not even kiwi....I just thing they're better and they don't get enough credit. I LOVE Hugh Jackman though!


Ahhh which was about 2 months ago in a little thing called the Bledisloe Cup.


the only reason that soccer is "the biggest/most popular sport in australia" is only because it has the largest represecntation at club and junior levels.

its only the most popular in the amount of people who play it, definitely not in the amount of people who watch it


pardon me.
Having lived in Australia for the past 41 years, and became an Australian citizen 35 years ago, I consider myself an Aussie, and I like AFL, Cricket AND Rugby (also appreciate Gridiron) and I live in the forgotten state of WA.

Back to Topic... I bought this movie yesterday, and hubby and I enjoyed the story, the characters and the football. All the little aussie 'in-jokes' were also greatly appreciated.

I believe that this film admirably achieved what it set out to achieve.


you have got to be kidding me, do half you guys even live in australia. soccer only became popular at pro level like a couple years ago, rugby league & union has been huge for like ever. along with afl. you guys are wacked.

~He sat on one of the chairs, of course he had to pick the broken one.
