MovieChat Forums > Engrenages (2005) Discussion > I wonder if Caroline Proust

I wonder if Caroline Proust

is accurately portraying a woman in Laure Berthaud's position. And I am only referring to her physical appearance. I don't expect her to walk around like Karlsson, but I often wondered why she always looks so unkempt. She has this look, not like she stinks, but just not really clean. I think it was in the second series where there was a lot going on with her on top the job itself. I can imagine then, and many other times, that she was not going to devote too much time to fashion. Plus she does a lot of running around, which would suggest ate her attire a suitable choice. But honestly, I would look at her and just think, why not brush/comb your hair? But maybe this is the way that cops, female AND male, because now that I think about it, Gilou kind of has the same look as her-- like he manages to take showers, but that's about the height of his hygiene and grooming regimen--still somewhat dirty, maybe this is the way officers, in their positions tend to look. We don't see a lot of Laure when she's not at work, just off work, or on her way to work, so maybe she dresses up more when there is time for it. I was thinking of the time when she was being investigated for shooting the guy from the 2nd season. She is in the car putting on a skirt and she says she wants to be seen as a female protecting another female, or something like that. I was thinking, but she looks like she threw on a skirt, which that's exactly what she did. And I didn't really see her as being more feminine.

Originally, I was thinking or wondering why Laure wasn't more feminine. Again, just referring to her physical appearance, not her personality, in this case. But now I'm thinking, as I said before, maybe this is what cops like her tend to look like. (By cops like her, I mean ones who do running around a lot--not like her bosses or special branch). I just had a thought: Amina, from season 4 always looks nicely put together, even though she dresses down. So I guess it could be done. I just wonder if one is more realistic.


i just watched the first 3 ep of season 1.
a lot to like and i like caroline proust as laure.
but i HATE that they made her a slut.
bad decision.
if there are 40 episodes, will she *beep* 40 guys? or 80? or 120?
really bad decision.


They are in France, and do not have the phony Puritan attitudes to sex which the Americans suffer from. Sex to them is as natural as breathing, and if you feel like a one night stand, then go for it. As Laure said to Sami in Season 2, "I'm not asking you to marry me."


Well, that simply isn´t true. The French love sex, sure, but they enjoy the whole play around it, not like "let´s do it and go, no big deal". I´d say Laure isn´t typically French in her attitude towards sex - she´s just a workholic, who has her physical needs, but no time for romance. That isn´t French! Still, I think she cared for Sami quite a lot - more, than she was willing to accept.


The obvious reason is the director wants this character to reflect the conditions of a job where you have not much time to think about yourself and the way you look.


I agree with you. In one of those awful (and seemingly unending) Hollywood police series, she would be a glamorous, beautifully coiffed woman who wears high heels all the time. It's really, REALLY phony.

Proust LOOKS like a real female cop, unkempt hair, small stature and scruffy clothes be damned. She's a relentless and single-minded cop who just refuses to give up. That doesn't stop her from being a very good cop. In many police series, it's hard to believe that hard-bitten, seen-everything male detectives would unquestioningly follow their greenhorn female superior. This is not the case with "Spiral". Despite her diminutive stature, Capt. Bernaud shows great courage in dangerous situations. She's often the first to lead the charge, and her men respect and follow her.

Because of the high quality of writing and direction in this psychological and philosophical series, Caroline Proust emerges as very believable. She's a high-energy cop who is obsessive and deeply flawed; she is promiscuous and neurotic, and says quietly that she yearns for "a man, for children, for a normal life." Despite her great fears, she overcomes. I really like Proust's portrayal. She's a terrific actress. In "Spiral," she occasionally lets her guard down and smiles. She's very pretty; her face constantly shows strain and stress, which is a testament to Proust's acting, but in her lighter moment, she has a sweet face, almost a baby face, which gives her even more appeal to her portrayal.

This is a great series, and Proust is one of the people who makes it work so well. As a police captain, she's actually most credible and believable. That's saying a lot. About 90-plus per cent of senior female police commanders on TV and in movies are NOT credible or believable.


This was so perfectly said. I'm sick and tired of unrealistic portrayals of all females as waving their hair around with perfect, never mussy make-up, and wearing HIGH heels (especially when acting as an FBI/CIA whatever AGENT? Really?? Give it up.)

I think Proust is perfectly cast. And her portrayal of Bernaud is exactly what I would imagine such a woman might be like: fearless, but not without her own demons. Bernaud would be a shallow character indeed without serious vulnerabilities and battle scars.


Exactly! She reminds me Sarah Lund (The Killing) - another workholic policewoman. Plus I think Laure tried to be as tough as men in her beginings, she willingly supressed the feminine ways - and she succeeded, her co-workers take her as the boss.


Yes very much agree with your well said comments. She makes the show...just seems so real, sincere, actual humans. And yeah pretty darn cute at times. A good mix. So well acted. 10 stars all the way. I am only just finished season 3. Back to the library tmrw.


But when Proust made an appearance in DEATH IN PARADISE as a very conservative woman, she looked so boring.


But when Proust made an appearance in DEATH IN PARADISE as a very conservative woman, she looked so boring.



So true. The problem with both shows is there's such a huge similarity in almost all the characters - including body type and traits.

Oh yea, Roxanne and Laure both look like 2 women with questionable hygiene. Although Laure seems worse - that hair that has never been washed all season.


Only Americans will whine about females having sex and not having the right hair do.....stick with 'Arrow' ffs


She's not a slut, she only screws guys to get her or her team out of trouble.
The thing is, they're always getting in trouble!
She said in an interview that she wanted to have a sex scene with that crooked, red haired woman lawyer!
I've watched three seasons so far; hopefully she'll do that in season four!




I totally agree. She should be a little more kempt.
