'Spiral' in the US

Netflix has acquired gritty Gallic crime drama Spiral, its first pickup of a non-English drama series.




I subscribe to Netflix but apparently it is available only by streaming. I still prefer cd's sent to my house. I often watch commentary tracks and other material that way.

However, I found the show available online at Hulu. Since I am not a Hulu subscriber, I sit through some commercials to see it.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


Yes, but only seasons 1 to 4.

Like an embarrassing relative, I tolerate Netflix (15 yrs now)

But their programming is oblivious or inept.

Many series have seasons missing, sometimes the 1st season!

Is it a cheap low rent tactic to force both dvd and streaming $$$


You can get season 5 on mhz live-streaming.
