Laure's age

In Season 2 she claims to be 34 then in Season 4 we see her age is written down as 39. (Unless I misread)

There is 4 years between 2 and 4 but the storyline suggests not much time as passed. In season 3 she's still dealing with the near botched operation that almost cost Sami his life (they indicate that's what the bosses think of it) that suggests not much time has passed. In season 4 they stage a reconstruction not long after and Pujade noted to have been with the team for only a few months.

Somehow Laure has aged 5 years in a year.


I'm pretty sure she said 37. I remember looking that up since the actress is and appears to be (particularly with that season 2 haircut) and came up with 41 in real life. Are you referring to the scene where she is talking about all of the things she doesn't have? I'll go back and check again if I remember.
